
I stood outside his office, waiting for my hand to stop its tantrum and finally knock and enter. The hallway to his office had cameras and I was being recorded like this, stupidly standing infront of the door like a retard, glowering at my hand and then the door.

With one final sigh, I entered.
He was standing by the window, prim and stoic like a statue, his demeanor relaxed.
He looked at me approaching and offered me a smile.
'Welcome, how do you feel this morning?' he asked still smiling warmly.

'Good' I said looking around, 'actually the mornings are hardly good, so I'm not so good', I fussed being direct.
Something about his presence made me bold even reckless.

He laughed, 'you are highly unpredictable, everything keeps adding onto your charm'
I just shrugged, be even found that amusing.

'I have a proposition for you', he said looking all serious now.
'Be one of my people' he looked at me with anticipation.

'why are you looking like that I asked?'

'you might insult me and then refuse'
Was he joking?!

'That depends on your proposition' I said as a matter of fact.

' I would like hire you as my bodyguard and lobbyist, you'll have wealth and honour'
He finished waiting for an answer, his eyes hopeful.

So he knew about my strength, it could have been airport or Mr Heo. Either way I had to decide fast. Though I didn't want to be too much involved with him but this was a golden chance.

He was waiting patiently, observing me curiously. I decided to question him further.

'Do I look like I can be your bodyguard? You are twice my size' I said feigning surprise and confusion.

The vexing smirk was back on his face. He raised his eyebrow in an amused challenge.

'You indeed are small, but I've seen your strength' his face expressed crazed delight.
So he knew, there was no going back now.

'Damn my strength is a secret don't spill it to others' I barked expressing disapproval.
'I am good at keeping secrets, don't worry I won't tell anyone', his words rang earnest.

'Alright I accept your offer.'

'But you need to pass a test first, you'll need to come with me'
He said waiting for my consent.

'I admit, I suck at mathematics and calculations, i was never good at studies you see'
I declared, raising my hand in surrender.

He laughed looking taken aback by my sudden self criticism.
'I didn't mean that test, Tsetseg, you are quite something!'

I followed him to his car, of which for me he had opened the door. The journey was silent.
Both of us lost to questions and puzzles, probably trying to figure one another.


Ryu Shi-oh had taken us to another warehouse, filled with industrial scrap, reeking of metal and chemicals.

He escorted me to an isolated flat place and then retreated. It was too dark to analyse anything. 'It is a test of strength' my mind whispered. I was beyond ready.

'Dont worry, I won't let you die' he said, his voice echoing in hollow spaces.

The next few minutes were a blur of adrenaline, surprise and pure instincts.
He had dropped Industrial scrap press on top of me and I was on my way to become a pretzel.

Bracing myself, I lifted both my hands just in time, the cold of the iron made me recoil mentally, the sudden pressure, jarred my bones.
Just when I thought I could lift it up, the pressure increased, making my knees buckle.

It took enormous amount of my energy to push it up, with one huge up thrust I sent the press flying and away from sight.
I had crushed the industrial press.

The adrenaline left my body, slowing down my erratic heart and legs quivering. I looked around Shi-oh was absolutely tongue tied, his face failed to mask his emotions just then, visibly shaken his eyes screamed 'impossible'.

I couldn't believe he had thrown the press at me, moronic heartless person.
I glared at him pouring out hatred.

'Are you done? I'd like to leave' I said panting and heaving. But I knew I couldn't leave just yet, my legs shook and hand throbbed.
I had Accidentally cut myself, there was a huge gash on my palm oozing blood, it had crimsoned my sleeve.

'are you hurt?' Shi-oh charged towards me noticing the gash and my quivering stance.
He was finally out of stupor.

He gently took my hand applying pressure on my wound stauching it,
He looked up as I winced and reduced the pressure, murmuring soft apologies.
Goosebumps spred like wildfire across the length of my body. What on earth was wrong with me?
'I apologies Tsetseg, I'll take you to the hospital' he said Almost loosing his calm now.

'I am fine' I said snatching away my hand.
I would have sent him flying as press if it wasn't for the mission.
His proximity was infuriating me further.
He understood my anger and backed off a bit.

Though I couldn't deny the real guilt and concern shining in his eyes.

He took my hand again, slow and delicate, his gaze never leaving mine and pressed his handkerchief on the gash, tying it around.
'we need to see the doctor, iron was rusted, come'.
He urged almost pleading and restless.

'I can't, let me sit for a while, I am strong but still human' I huffed, feeling drained.

His eyes were soft now, 'of couse, as you wish'
We sat in silence for a while, I focused on my breathing. Shi-oh kept throwing quick glances, he had given me a huge water bottle which I had immediately chugged entirely.

'did i pass your test?' I asked out of the blue, he looked bette now that I was not hostile anymore.

'with flying colours' he had a sad smile now,
'although, i didn't expect you to get hurt, you see I saw you stopping that airplane, I wanted to confirm it', he sighed closing his eyes.

When he opened them back they were sincere ' I truly apologies Tsetseg it was reckless and stupid of me' he finished averting his face.

'I'm glad I aced the test, and stop sulking'
He chuckled under his breath, looking through the corner of his eyes amused, sadness leaving his features momentarily.

'lets go' I stood up, wincing slightly.

'careful' he uttered, examining the gash, it was not bleeding anymore.
Despite the cold his hands were warm and soft.
There was that yearning again, to hold them just a bit longer.


The visit to the hospital was short and brief.
After a vaccination and a couple of stitches, we were done.
Shi-oh had paid the bills obviously, it was his fault.
We stood outside the hospital.

'Take the next day off and rest Tsegtseg' he said eyeing my bandaged hand.
'come I'll drop you' he started towards his car.

'No I'll go myself' , 'also don't ever test me again, I didn't like it'
I admitted honestly.

'I won't ever test you again' he promised slightly bowing his head.

'Ill be off now' I said moving away.
'shoo' I added and gestured for him to leave as well.

He stood there nodding and smiling, waving me goodbye.
'Goodnight Tsetseg'.
Giving him one final wave I left him, smiling rather broadly.


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