Saigo no Kyojin

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"Welcome back, folks. As we're reaching the final stretch, it's time to unveil the last Opening of the series," Ray announces following a brief break.

"The last Opening already... time really flies, doesn't it?" Armin muses.

"And it looks like everything's heading toward its conclusion," Eren adds, his tone reflecting a sense of determination.

"So, what kind of song are we looking at?" Erwin inquires.

"We've got Linked Horizon returning for this one. It's called 'Saigo no Kyojin,' which translates to 'The Last Titan,'" Ray reveals.

"Linked Horizon's tunes are always a breed apart. We've experienced five of their tracks already. I'm curious about what they've got in store this time," Petra comments, her anticipation evident.

"The Last Titan... now that's an intriguing title," Hange adds, her scientific curiosity piqued.

The scene unfolded with a tiny Eren cradled in Carla's arms, his eyes fluttering open in the soft light. He extended his tiny hand, reaching out toward his departing father.

Nanika ga hoshikute (Wanting something)
Nobashita te wa tasogare ni somaru (My outstretched hand is dyed in twilight)

The scene transitioned abruptly to Eren, his hand raised in a determined salute, blood seeping out from it, a stark contrast against the street's backdrop. Several pure Titans loomed closer, their approach ominous. In a tense moment, Eren began his transformation as the imminent threat of the Titans closed in around him.

Dokoka ee ikitakute kakeda shita ashi de (Wanting to go somewhere, I ran with weary legs)

In the form of the Attack Titan, Eren surged ahead, his stride purposeful and determined. The screen zoomed in on his foot, and within it, the gaze of Founder Ymir stared back, an enigmatic and haunting presence. The tension built as the scene faded into black.

Dareka wo fumitsubushita (Trample people to dust)

"Eren... Mom... Dad..." Eren's expression darkens at the sight of them on the screen once more.

"Kids singing again... It's reminiscent of that ending scene with Historia..." Ymir remarks.

The title screen emerged, featuring the backdrop of the plains where a 15-year-old Eren encountered Dina Yeager. The scene intermittently shifts between the setting on the plains and Eren clutching a bow and arrow on top of the wall. The sequence halted at Eren's moment, capturing him in the act of releasing an arrow engulfed in a vivid crimson light in different angles, then breaking the title.

Der letzte Titan (The final Titan)

"Whoa, wait a minute. Going back to that moment on the plains? What's the connection here? And now Eren with a bow and arrow? That should be Sasha's signature." Jean says.

"Hey, that doesn't mean I can't shoot." Eren glares back at him.

"That arrow... That crimson light around it seems ominous. Eren's determination is palpable. It feels like something crucial is about to unfold. But what could it signify?" Gunther asks.

As the arrow continued its trajectory, it unveiled scenes: the Colossal Titan looming behind the wall, Eren and Mikasa dashing through the streets, Eren confronting and dispatching the two traffickers, and then passionately urging Mikasa to fight alongside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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