Part 1

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This is the reaction of Season 4 Part 3, the timeline of this is set before the 57th expedition, and just think that they have already seen the previous episodes.

After a long break from what they've seen during Season 4 Part 2, Eren is still sitting in the back row with Mikasa by his side. The others don't know what to think about Eren, they are conflicted from the last episode since they finally know what Eren's goal is by activating the Rumbling.

The host of the room, Ray Yeager, who revealed herself as the daughter of both Eren and Mikasa right after Episode 14 of Season 4, appears in front of them and says, "Hello everyone. As you can see, the story is about to end, and we have an hour special for you guys. Before we begin, do you have any questions?"

Armin raises his hand and says, "Hey, Ray... is this episode going to be worse than the previous ones?"

"What do you think?" Ray asks. "I can give you a small spoiler. One of you is going to die in this episode."

"Most of us are already dead... that means, it is going to be one of the Alliance..." Erwin frowns, and Eren just lowers his head again.

"Eren... I know you're doing this for all of us, but now we know the problem, we can change it." Mikasa says.

"But still..." Eren mutters.

"Alright, so without further ado, let's begin the episode." Ray says as she turns on the TV.

A nine-year-old Mikasa approached the sleeping Eren, she said in a soothing voice, "I'll see you later, Eren." She put her hands under Eren's chin. After a while, Eren woke up and muttered, "Huh? Mikasa..."

"Let's head back." Mikasa said.

"Wait, isn't this the first episode? Why are we back into this again?" Jean asks.

"That sure was weird..." Connie adds. "Does that mean Eren could see the future even then?"

"How is that even possible? He doesn't have the Titan at that time." Armin says.

"What am I doing here?"

"You're so out of it. Were you sound asleep?"

"No..." Eren replied. "It's just... I feel like I had a really long dream. What was it about? I can't remember."

Mikasa went to grab her firewood, then looked at him in surprise. "Eren, why are you crying?"

"Huh?" Eren touched his face in confusion. The wind blew and the scene blacked out, revealing the title: The Rumbling.

Everyone has mixed feelings about the title, they can only hope that things aren't going to turn worse.

"Listen, Halil. Me and you are the only ones who knew where this is." A boy with the top red hat said to the other boy. "I'm gonna stash money here until this sack is full. Then we'll have enough for everyone to be able to live someplace nice."

"Hey! Isn't that the same boy who stole Captain Levi's wallet?" Eld asks.

Levi groans a little as he wants to forget about the money stolen thing.

"But Ramzi, if you keep this up... someday you'll lose your left hand, too." The other boy said to Ramzi, and the scene revealed that he lost his right hand that was tied with bandages.

"His hand!" Sasha yells and everyone gasps in horror. Annie sighs, "That's what you get for stealing in Marley, it's common."

"But that's cruel..." Historia frowns.

Attack On Titan: The Show Season 4 Part 3Where stories live. Discover now