五 [first heartbreak]

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chapter five


 She was ordered to remain in her bedroom until told otherwise. Usually, he would flaunt Kira around, keeping her tightly by his side like a cherished jewel, but tonight was different. He seemed stressed. There were deep lines on his forehead and dark bags under his eyes. He had aged in a matter of months and Kira realized he didn't look like the man who had been raising her. He looked older. She would reach out to comfort him but he moved away. He avoided her gaze. That day was no different. She accepted his order despite being hurt and shuffled out of his office. She didn't see him for the rest of the day. It was unlike him to act so cold towards her. It reminded her too much of the morning they first met. She suddenly felt like that little girl who entered the mansion for the first time and absolutely despised it.

Rushing to the only place that gave her solace, she found Kiryl tucked away in their secret spot. The library mezzanine floor had only one entrance and it was hidden right at the back, behind a secret door which was camouflaged within the wooden wall paneling. Kiryl had a book in one hand and an apple in the other hand. He took a bite just as she reached him.

"Kira," he began with a smile, but it immediately disappeared when he saw the worry marked across her face. The book and apple were discarded as he stood up, striding towards her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I don't know," she chanted, shaking her head. She wanted to shiver but it wasn't even cold. An unnaturally chilly feeling caressed her arms. "He's being so... impassive with me. He doesn't even want to be near me. I'm worried, Kiryl. What if something bad has happened? Or even worse... something bad is going to happen?"

"I'm sure it's nothing, Kira. He might just be busy. I've heard that the people coming over are really important. We've been given orders to be on standby."

"That's not reassuring," Kira's stomach sank. "What else have you heard?"

Kiryl's eyes became dark, and he was hesitant to answer, but Kira's eyes pleaded with him, and his defenses crippled. "Boss has been really interested in the Italian mafia. Especially Nero Russo. He's going to be the underboss – the right-hand – to the Don, when the time comes. I think he's planning a unity with Nero and himself."

Kira frowned. "A unity? What do you mean?"

Kiryl looked away. Swallowed. "Marriage."

The air was knocked straight out of Kira.

"I think he's planning to marry you to Nero."

The betrayal hit her like a bullet. Smashed straight into her chest.

"What?" she whispered.

She stepped back in disbelief. Tears began to well up in her eyes and she had to practically choke back the sobs. She could feel herself shattering, breaking, unraveling. She feared she would rupture in front of Kiryl. More importantly, she feared she would resort back to the young and naïve girl she once was. A girl betrayed by the men around her. A marionette dancing to the dances they wanted to see. Kiryl refused to let her go, drawing her into his embrace, and she clutched onto him as if he could save her from this recurring nightmare. But no one could. No one would. She was doomed.

"He can't," she gasped.

"They won't hurt you. I won't let them."

She wished so desperately that he never said that.

In hopes of distracting her, Kiryl suggested that they watch a movie while this event occurred. She didn't want to, but he was so desperate to keep her in his orbit that he begged her until she gave in. He held her throughout the film. His fingers ran down her arms. His breathing matched hers. 

Prized Possession [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒]Where stories live. Discover now