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"Recently, the famous British singer and songwriter Harry Styles was seen enjoying a tropical vacation in Jamaica with his new therapist. Rumours have been circulating that the rockstar's seductive behaviour may have caused his therapist to become yet another victim of charm. The question on everyone's mind is whether she is just another conquest for him or if she is genuinely helping him in his battle against drug addiction."

As I read through the countless articles on my screen, I feel frustrated at the condescending tone of the media. The way they portray Harry and the women he's associated with is nothing short of absurd. They depict them as fictional characters and then proceed to criticize and insult them in any way they can.

My eyes scan down the page, and I see pictures of myself in a bikini, sitting on a yacht. The caption underneath the photo reads, "This one isn't your type. Have you lost your mind, Harry?" It's just another example of the media's cruel and unnecessary comments.

As I feel my mind becoming overwhelmed with thoughts, I decide to put my phone away and focus on the present moment. I take a quick look outside and realize that the sun hasn't even risen yet, and yet I've already spent so much time scrolling through my phone.

I slowly open the door and am immediately hit by the salty aroma of the ocean. Stepping onto the yet untouched sand, I make my way towards the water. The chilly waves gently lap at my feet as I back away and sit down.

I gently shut my eyes and allow myself to fully immerse in the moment. I take a deep breath in, taking in the calming scent of the ocean. As I exhale, I let go of all the tension in my body and allow myself to sink into the softness of the sand beneath me.

The wind picks up, playfully tossing strands of my hair. I take another deep breath and feel my mind begin to settle down.

Suddenly, I sense a subtle presence around, keeping my eyes closed, maintaining my silence as I feel the sand shift next to me. Someone has sat down, and I remain silent, but my mind wants to speak. I'm maybe 100% sure it's Harry.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles, his voice barely audible against the crashing waves. I open my eyes slowly to confirm my suspicion, and sure enough, Harry is sitting beside me, leaning on his arms, legs stretched, his hair flying on his forehead.

Without looking at him directly, I take a moment to form my thoughts. "I'm trying to find peace," I respond quietly.

Harry's brows furrow slightly as he turns to face me. "Peace?" He repeats, his tone laced with curiosity. "Is that something you think you can find here?"

I meet his gaze, searching for any hint of mockery or insincerity. But in those green eyes, to my surprise, I see curiosity and a glimmer of vulnerability. It's as if the weight of the world is momentarily lifted from his shoulders, allowing a sliver of his true self to shine through.

"I'd like to think so," I chuckle. "We can try it together."

"Meditate?" Harry raises an eyebrow, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "You think meditation is going to solve all my problems?"

I meet his gaze, a hint of challenge in his voice. "No, not really. It doesn't do that. It's about finding a moment of stillness within ourselves. A moment to reconnect with our true essence."

He considers my words for a moment, his features softening as he takes in the gentle rhythm of the waves. "Suppose it couldn't hurt to try." He finally concedes.

We sit side by side in comfortable silence, allowing the sounds of nature to envelop us. The rising sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over our surroundings. With each passing minute, I can feel the tension slowly dissipating from my body and hear Harry's breathing becoming deeper and more relaxed.

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