Chapter 2

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Sarah's POV

Following the instructions, I reached the cabin.  Another secretary as elegant as the girl downstairs was waiting for me.

" Ms Jones?" She asked, I nodded.

"  This way, please." She said and knocked softly on a door and opened it for me. I walked into the big cabin decorated very tastefully though everything seemed to be very masculine and extremely expensive.

He was sitting behind a huge mahogany table.

" Yes, Ms. Jones?? May I know what brings you here? "  He asked.

" Oh, how innocent!! But I will not waste time, since you are short of it, I got a notice from your solicitor that you want me to replace your car that... I damaged it outside the club a few nights back. "  I reminded him.

" That's right!! So have you come to settle the compensation?? " He asked casually.

" Mr. Banks, I can't afford to replace the new car. It is extremely expensive, I can't afford it. "  I replied politely.

"I am sorry, but what can I do in that matter? As you damaged it,  you are supposed to replace it."  He said as a teacher talk to a child as if he was asking me to bring a box of chalk just because I took a few out of them to play.

" Mr. Banks, please don't be unreasonable, it was a slight accident. Nothing serious!! " I argued.

" A slight accident?? Is it how you describe several thousand pounds worth of damage?? What do you expect me to do??  " he asked tauntingly.

Of course!! He got a chance to get even with me.  He was just trying to make me realize that he was the one who called the tune.

"   The damage could not be so severe. Though you can easily claim the insurance, I can pay for the damage.  And whatever else is there, I will pay for it. "  I replied.

" Not acceptable... " He said firmly.

" What? " 

" Your request is not acceptable to me. You damaged my brand-new Bentley. I want another one of the same model and the same color. Exactly as I had. I will not use a damaged car, you will have to replace it. "  He was adamant.

" But I can't afford it. "

" Do you think, that is my problem?? You should have thought of it before damaging my car. "  He shrugged.

" I didn't damage it on purpose, It was very late and the lights were dim, I mean, the parking lot was not very well lit. I banged your car into yours by mistake while I was taking my car out of the parking.  but I was driving slowly, I am sure it could not have caused much of a damage. " I retorted.

" It was a brand new car, I don't want a repaired one, I want an absolutely new one exactly as it was at that night. "  He said with a smirk.


" Please, at least consider that we are going to be relatives very soon. "  I tried to remind him of our family connection.

" Relatives?? Do you think, Nate's family will accept your sister in their family if they get to know about the little stunt  you performed at the club??" He asked with a smirk.

" Mr Banks, I request you not to do this to them, they both are madly in love with each other. " I said and he smiled sarcastically.

" I don't care. You can ask your sister or your beloved brother-in-law to lend you money, I am sure he can do that much to save his favorite sister-in-law. "  He again smiled sarcastically and I wanted to slap him as I knew what he was thinking and taunting about.

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