"Forget it! I'm not meeting him again. Handle it yourself or ask Nate for a loan," I suggested, grasping at any possible solution.

"It's a substantial amount, and he won't give it unless I explain why I need it, he might understand but if he gives me that amount, he will have to tell his mother. She will not let him marry me. You know exactly what happened, how can I explain it to my would-be fiancé?  " She reasoned, shooting down my idea.

"Then find a solution! I don't have substantial savings, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to spend it all on this issue. You created the problem, now it's your responsibility to solve it. Ask Dad for help..." I trailed off, considering every option.

" No!! I can't even take help from our family. He will kill me, dad is already annoyed with me because of what happened in the past.  If Chris sues you, it will be all over the newspapers and everyone will come to know, what happened, Nate will never marry me and the name of our family will be dragged everywhere.  Please do something, you are my only hope. At least fix a formal meeting with him. We have literally no way out. You don't know him, he gets what he wants and now he wants to spoil my life or make you meet him. "

I know how ruthless, dreadful, and uncouth he is...

I knew exactly why he had sent that notice. He wanted me.



The solicitor's notice had been starkly uncompromising. 

Finishing my coffee and settling the bill, I came out of the coffee house and I looked at my watch, after taking a deep breath, I hopped into my car and drove to his office.

His office was newly decorated, the impressive foyer was designed to intimidate and impress, and the receptionist looked as if she had just come out of some fashion magazine and eyed me in an unresponsive way as I walked toward her.

" Hi!! My name is Sarah Jones, I am here to meet Mr. Banks"  I asked politely.

" Do you have an appointment with him?? " She asked in a professional tone.

" No, but he knows me well and it is a bit urgent. Can you please inform him that I am here to meet him?" I said.

"  Sure!! Please have a seat. "  She said and pressed some numbers on the intercom system.

" Sir, Ms. Sarah Jones has come to meet you...... Oh, okay, sir!! "  She replaced the receiver.

" Mr. Banks is a bit busy at the moment, you need to take a prior appointment to meet him." She said politely.

What?? What does he think of himself??

Arrogant!! Irritating! Loathsome!

I swear, I hate him.

If it was not important, I would never have come to see him again in my life.

"  Listen, I would not have come if it was not urgent. Please let me talk to him. "  I requested.

" Sorry ma'am, he is busy, I can't disturb him at the moment. You should take an appointment, and leave your number with me, I will call you. "  She said.

" I am not going without meeting him. "  I said firmly.

" In that case, you have to wait, till he is free, then I can ask him again. "  She suggested.

" Yeah, fine!" I nodded.

" Please have a seat. "  She said politely.

I went to the leather couch and sat down waiting for him to get free.

Even after two hours, he didn't get free to talk to me.

He was doing it deliberately... Just to get his revenge.

If Sanya's happiness was not dependent on him, I would never have come to meet this devil.

" Could you please see if he is free? "  I reminded the receptionist again.

" Yeah!! Please wait! "  She said and called him again.

" Ms. Jones, he can squeeze out just ten minutes for you, not a minute extra. "  She informed me.

Ten minutes are enough to kill that man. I wish I could do it.

" Thank you! Where can I find him? " I asked her politely and she gave me the directions to his cabin.


Here is the first chapter of this book. I hope you liked it please let me know.


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