"I know what you're thinking. But unlike the guy with a bounty on his head today, I didn't choose this life. He had a choice and I didn't, most of the people you'll meet in this mafia were born into the cycle and there's only one way to escape it which is quite.....permanent" Alex's tone has an edge to it as if there's more that he wants to say.

"Enough with the chit chat lets go we're running on a schedule and you need to be there by 9am" A tall guy with cropped coiled hair and dark skin says.

"Athena, meet Ray. He's not usually this grumpy, he probably just hasn't had his morning coffee" Alex explains

"Or a good night's fucking sleep, I've been up all night mapping out the area because my fucking hacking  team fucked it all up" He gestured with his hands.

"This is why you're behind the screens and we're out there, can't have anyone with your witty temper" Alex patted him on the back

"Alright team, we're all good to go. Everything's been checked, now we're just waiting for Athena and Alex" Cass said bluntly.

So I'm definitely not in Florida anymore. Judging by the signs and change in scenery this is definitely New York.

"We've got drones surrounding the area. Callum, you and Zara will enter first to check if everything is clear. Alex and Ryan, you guys are on the drugs. I've sent the blueprints to both of you guys, you're navigation in your earpieces will show you where to go. Athena will come with me. Alright ladies, let's go" Cass explained before opening the building.

"We've blocked out all of the cameras, you've got a total of 36 minutes to get in and out of there before they send for backup. No radio singles can get in or out of the area except for ours so do not lose your earpieces or so help me God" Ray explained over the mic.

Callum and Zara nodded at each other before then running over to the side of the building. Within a matter of seconds they had knocked down the door and 3 gunshots were heard.

"3 guards down" Zara noted

"Alex, Ryan, that's your cue." Cass signalled

Faster than their two previous team members, the boys ran out to another side of the building before then opening a hatch and going in it to get to the bottom levels.

"Just hit another 4 soldiers" Callum explained, it was obvious he was running due to the short breathes in between his words.

"That's our signal to go" Cass ran out the van causing me to follow suite.

"Alright there's a ladder on the west side of the building, the drones show that there's 7 soldiers patrolling on top but we can take them."

As soon as she got to the top, Cassandra fired 4 bullets and 3 thumps to the ground followed with them.

As she turned around to help me up I noticed someone running towards her with a gun aimed and I quickly shot back at them 3 times, adrenaline rushing through my whole body as my eyes widened to see the damage I'd done.

"Good, never turn your back to the targets" She said quickly.

Pushing myself up onto my feet I checked the drone cameras on my wrist watch and ran to the exit door where 3 soldiers were trying to escape.

1,2,3. Like dominos, all 3 soldiers fell to the floor with a thump. Cass caught up to me and used her torch to open the building.

"We just hit 7 up here" Cass counted

"Alex, have you guys found the loot?" Zara asked

"We've got it. Working on how to get rid of it all now." He explained

"You guys, I've just gotten intel that Nicholas Rodriguez is on his way for an inspection. I don't know how but you're going to have to get rid of all the evidence now. You'be got 4 minutes before he arrives" Ray panicky

"Fuck me dead" Cass cursed, "We can do both. I've sent you the data for where the manager of
this asset is, his name is Antonio Santiago. This is a Spanish mafia base so expect the worse and the worse only." She explained before running back down to the van.

Checking the map I run to the other end of the building and down a flight of stairs. The yellow lights and black tiles fuel my fear as I sprint down the halls to find him.

Emerging out of his office, is the man who matches up exactly with the man on my screen. Throwing myself onto him and pinning him against the wall I point the arrow at him ready to pull the trigger.

"Athena, let's go" Alex yells

I snap my head towards him and shake my head.

"Leave him, he'll die anyways. Cass has set up explosives to blow up the building. We don't have long to get out of here." He yells again

What great timing. I shove Antonio and run after Alex, he takes a different route to the one I took but within a minute we're out the building.

"Move it before you're blown to bits" Cass bites

The blow of the explosion shoots us towards the van. Callum and Ryan drag us inside and close the door just as quick so that we can leave before Nicholas arrives.

"What the fuck was that?" Alex yells

"I had no choice" Cassandra yells back, "it was either that or you would have been still stuck in there"

"We barely got any of the drugs!" He yells

"Who gives a shit, we were going to dispose of them either way" She rubs her forehead.

Still panting I zone out of their conversation.

Zara raises her eyebrows at me, "You'll get used to their bickering eventually"

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