"Anyways, you can keep the notepad. Do you know where your room is?" I shake my head in response. "No problem, pass me your key card"

I raise a brow in response.

"Oh right they probably didn't give you any briefing. Just check your left pocket, I saw the guards slip in your identity card when you were walking, it basically helps to identify you - hence the name"

What even is this guy. I mean, how can you be caught up in such a horrible industry and yet remain so positive.

"Alright here we are....you paid attention well enough to find your way around? Well you better have because i won't always be around to be your escort and the guards are just such bundles of sunshine so they wouldn't help either."

I nod and purse my lips to stop myself from laughing at his sarcasm. Tapping the card on the sensor, the doors open to let me in but I turn around to give some form of thanks to Alex.

He looks in disbelief at my room "Not even the twins got this level of accommodation, and they had it much harder" He says lowly.

"It's an upgrade from what I had before :)" I write to offer some sort of humor

"Cass will be here soon for your first training session, so get as much rest as you can"

Mortified I gape at him, not needing my notepad this time to communicate my emotions.

"Yeah, good luck with her. You'll need all the help you can get to endure her wrath" He purses his lips to hide a smile.


The door slides open to reveal the same brunette from the meeting earlier. Unlike the guards, she doesn't knock or handcuff me. Instead she non-verbally signals for me to get up and follow her. Maybe she has a shock necklace too or maybe she's just too scary to talk.

"Training sessions will run for two and a half hours every day, except for the weekends. I will deliver you to and from your room to the gym every day at the same time. After that you will be subject to discovering how to make yourself useful" She doesn't even bat an eye towards me.

"Geez Cee, you talk like you have a stick up your ass or something, loosen up a little" A familiar blonde face emerges from beside me. "Tess Bianchi, medic, pleased to be of your service" She beams

"Don't you have patients to take care of, Tee" Cassandra pinches the bridge of her nose

"Last guy who came in had a splinter in his foot and was convinced he was dying, so no, I don't have any real patients to take care of. Plus they haven't done a real job in a minute so until then I'm gonna sit down and look pretty until I need to clean a bullet wound" She smirks

Confused by their banter I continue to watch the reflection of the lights on the tiles beneath my feet. I wonder how long it took to make this building, and judging by the lack of windows I assume my quarters is underground.

"The assassins' unit, which we're currently in, is filled with all of the necessities you will need. This room in front of us is the gym. Two doors to your left is the clinic and the room you were in earlier was the briefing room. Don't worry, nothing Steffie said was important, he just went on talking about how he needs a team sent over to some loading doc to watch the shipments. Which translates to 'I need to stir up some conflict with another mafia because even I'm getting bored' " Cass offers a half smile

"Alright, show me what you know" Cee gestures to the weapons laid out before us.

Scanning the table, for a brief second my eyes flicker to a guy doing arm curls with a dumbbell that looks heavier than 2 of me. His eyes catch mine and I quickly look away to focus on the set task.

Picking up the automatic bow I nod to her to show that archery is my skill.

"Oooo we've got a wanna-be Katniss Everdeen here today" A too cocky guy walks in, his features similar to the other guy's.

"Athena, meet Marco. Aka, would of been the mafia heir had he been born three years earlier" Tess introduces

He sends me a wink "Pleasure to be of service. I must say, you've got some balls choosing that weapon out of everything else" He crosses his arms

Taking a deep breathe in and swiftly raising up the weapon I hit the targets directly before spinning around and aiming it right above Marco's head. At first he doesn't realise what I'm doing but the gradual realisation marks his face as I pull the trigger.

A subtle whoosh flies through the room, only to be abruptly stopped by the thump of the arrow against the wall.

Smirkingly, I bow (Katniss styled) and wave him off before turning on my foot to explore the gym.

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