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The next day Lune keeps getting reminded of the painting in his boss's house. 'FORTUNE OF LUEAR'. What a strange name. But hey, at least he forgot about the conversation with that weird man on Friday. Still paranoid of the dreams he had though.

"...what if the dream was never real? Yea! It's just a's not like it's going to happen.." Lune is walking down the street until a sudden THUD hits the ground a few feet away from him. Blood, a murder scene just like the one in his dream. An anvil crushing someone to their death. Fresh blood splattered all over Lune as he stood there mortified. He takes a step back, he looks around for any sign of help. The streets are empty, just him and the dead body.

"W-what the fu...where the hell...h-how did an anvil j-just..I swear the streets were so damn packed!! W-what..." Lune takes a couple of more steps back and starts running home. He quickly opens the door to his apartment. He slams the door and locks it, breathing heavily as he just stands there. His back to the door. It was completely silent. Too quite for Lune's comfort so he turned on the TV hoping for some sort of relief from what he just witnessed. He switched it on to the new channel hoping for some sort of information on what the hell just happened. Except, it was worse.


.....Lune sat on his couch, on the verge of tears. He couldn't believe it even if he tried. His boss, his father figure..dead. He wanted to go down in the ocean now. Everything was going wrong. And he didn't understand half of the things that happened around him anyways, so why all this now?

His phone rings. It's Shizu! Maybe she can put him in a good mood. He picks up her call.

"H-hey Shizu..whats up?" Lune tries saying calmly even though he's about to break down into tears.

"Lune did you...did you hear...?" Shizu's voice more sadder and more negative than usual, "the news...your boss he got-"

"Yea, I know." Lune cuts off Shizu.

"L-Lune..I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come over..?" Shizu asks sweetly, although her tone of voice is still negative. Lune gulps down a lump of guilt in his throat. He didn't want to vent to Shizu although knowing she would understand and help him. Terrified of what to say, he comes up with an excuse.

"Shizu, i know you're trying to help but, i don't want anything happening to you ok..? I'm scared that...if you's all my fault. I appreciate the help's too dangerous right now." Lune respods. He doesn't care how stupid he sounds, he just wants Shizu safe. He can hear Shizu mumble something along the lines of "alright..i promise" but it wasn't audible. After ending the call with Shizu he feels a pit forming in his stomach. The conversation that happened between him and Lucifer. He tried to forget but it crept up to him from behind.

"What if...he was correct..? I was the reason for all these deaths..?" realizing he still had blood on him, he decides to take a shower. Maybe that will calm him down.

11:26 PM...

Lune couldn't sleep. After all the events that happened the past few days he couldn't put his mind to peace. Thinking about how all of this was his fault, he drifts again to his dream land. But it was different. There was someone with him, he wasn't alone that's for sure. He couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not but there was someone else's presence in the dream land.

"Hello..?" Lune said but nothing responded. Only a pair of glowing periwinkles eyes. Just like his looked back.

Lune suddenly jerked up. It was Monday, the most readed day of the week. He took a look outside the window. Everything was normal and in place, maybe today won't be so bad...?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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