Chapter 3: Interesting Critter Lune

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He sighs, "gotta wake up now i guess..ughhhh..." He tiredly gets out of his bed and heads for the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror. He looks horrible...eye bags and messy lavender hair. Not to mention his periwinkle colored eyes makes him look lifeless. He sighs and takes a deep breath and starts brushing his teeth. How did he get into this state you ask? It will be revealed later I suppose.

"....i should probably head to the cafe soon." Lune thought to himself. Every morning before school he headed to his favorite cafe to get a little mentally prepared for the long day ahead of him. The cafe was called "Witches Manor" which of course had to be fantasy themed. He didn't go there just for the coffee and or pastries. He had a best friend that worked there. Shizu. Him and Shizu met on the first day of school and shared a passion for magical and fantasy things, so of course they would be best friends. Plus, Lune had a bit of a crush on her. Her white hair with multicolored pastel streaks and her coral eyes, she was pretty cute honestly. But now wasn't the time to think about that he thought in his head. Or at least he tried to keep Shizu out of his mind till he actually left for the cafe. 

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