Chapter 4: Seeing Shizu <3

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This part is a ship part!! and i might forget to update. we will see :3

He started getting dressed in his uniform, combed his hair, and packed things he needed. Including a little crystal ball he carries around everywhere in his pocket. Trust me, this guy was very proud of what he has built up in his career. He headed out the door straight towards the cafe Shizu worked at. After a few minutes of walking he finally reached. Pushing the door open he was greeted with Shizu's energetic smile. Contrasting with his tired smile. Shizu was wearing her school uniform but just with a light pink apron on.

"Lune lune!! Hello hello!! Welcome!!!" She says in an all cheery voice. Her body language reads that she is VERY excited to see our little critter Lune!!

"Hey there Shizu!.." He gives her a little smile and a shy wave. There were suddenly butterflies in his stomach. He gets all jumpy when he's with Shizu but plays it cool for now.

"Come come!! Take a seat anywhere!!" Shizu says enthusiastically. And Lune does just that. He takes a seat near the corner to admire the little window marker art of a black cat on a witches broom....cute the thought to himself. "So! Are you going to order your usual latte and muffin? Or do you wanna try something new off the menu? We added some really great cupcakes recently!! You should give one a try!! Hehe!" Shizu just somehow always gives Lune's morning such a great start. And since he gets to see her at school..he's ever happier. It's only 6:25 and school starts at 7:46. He decides to take in and try Shizu's suggestion. After all, it's Shizu! How could he say no to that cute little smile of hers?

He replies to Shizu, "sure! I'll try one! Hmmm... Blackberry vanilla cupcakes sound good. Also.. instead of a latte...could i get an americano?"

"Americano? Isn't that just water with shots of espresso..?" Shizu asks, confused why Lune would suddenly change his coffee order. Obviously in the most polite way too!

"Well...i guess something a bit..bitter to help wash the cupcakes down y'know?" Lune tells her, helping Shizu understand. He chuckles a bit at Shizu's confused face, cute the thought again.

"Ah! I get it now!! Heh...i guess 4 cupcakes are a bit hard to eat especially at 6:00 in the morning huh?" Shizu asks, regaining her positive energy that always seems to affect Lune effortlessly. Lune nods and Shizu brings his order to the front. One of her co-workers starts on the order as Shizu takes another person's order. Lune couldn't help but smile at Shizu while she works. The little bounce in her step always seems to get him smiling. If you were there you wouldn't resist too! A few minutes passed and Shizu came back with his order. It's 6:30, he and Shizu still have a bunch of time before school. She places his coffee and cupcakes in front of Lune and leaves him alone to tend to other customers. Probably her last ones before she and Lune walk to their school. Lune takes a bite out of a cupcake, and to his surprise it wasn't that sweet as those bakery ones. It was nice and airy and not dry, it had lemon filling inside the vanilla cake and the blackberry frosting went perfectly with it! He was very happy with this choice. After all, he could always trust Shizu..right?

Lune and Shizu head out of the cafe and towards school. It's 7:12 so they have a lot of time before 7:46.

"Hey Lune? Can I tell you something??" Shizu asks Lune while walking down the sidewalk with him.

Lune tilts his head towards Shizu staring at her coral pink eyes. They seemed to sparkle a bit but...didn't they always? "Hmm? What is it Shizu?"

Shizu giggles a bit before turning her voice into a whisper. "Can you keep a secret?" Lune nods his head in conformation. "Alright..! But don't be surprised."

"I probably won't since I'm a fortune teller! Anything really just comes my way now doesn't it?" He laughs.

"Right!" Shizu still in a whisper says to him. "Lune, I am actually ...a witch! Not the bad ones though! The type that helps people!! So please..don't hate me after this.."

Lune was absolutely shocked but in a good way! He can't believe his own best friend/crush is a witch! He always wanted to meet a real witch! He got this really excited look in his eyes. "REALLY?! THAT'S SOOO COOL!!!" he smiles a whole bunch at her and blushes a bit. He might be oblivious but it looked like Shizu was blushing. She smiles.

"I can show you some magic after school if you want?" Shizu winks while she asks Lune. Lune quickly nods his head. They finally reach the school going their separate ways.

"See you later Shizu!" Lune waves a small goodbye and so does Shizu. He just knows today will be better than the others...right?

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