Chapter 2

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My heart was racing within my chest, the pounding almost audible. If vampires are real, aren't they suppose to be terrifying blood sucking killers? Damien doesn't seem scary, not scary at all, at least not to me. Maybe he is and I just don't know it? This whole thing just isn't possible, yet I could feel the perspiration covering my forehead. Damien was just glowering at me, his eyes slowly getting brighter. I opened my dry mouth, ready to speak, but the words were trapped in the back of my tongue. 

Damien slyly pursed his lips. "You believe me, right?" He questioned peculiarly. ''Your hearts beating quite fast,'' he stated jokingly. Oh, I can't believe he could actually hear that...

But I wasn't sure if I believed him. Now that I think about it, why would someone lie about that? I mean, you don't just randomly label yourself as a vampire. I inhaled deeply, then exhaled delicately. I have to stay calm, I can't show any fear. I actually don't know what to do. I never thought about confronting a... vampire before. As I kid, I was scared of vampires. I watched all those horrifying Dracula movies or whatever and was practically traumatized, all that blood sickening me. I hate blood.

But I don't think Damien's like that. At least I hope he's not. I really hope he's not.

"Y.. Yeah. And how could you hear that?" I stuttered, my voice soft and scared. I could tell that he acknowledged my fear and how worried I am. How could you not? My body was numb, yet I was still trembling out of control, which is very obvious. 

He nodded. ''Vampires senses are heightened.'' Just saying the word 'vampire' makes me flinch. But apparently, I'm gonna have to get use to it soon. But I don't wanna.

He glided a little closer to me, which I involuntarily reacted to and took an even larger step back. He calmly nodded his head, understanding the reason behind my action. 

He ran his large fingers through his scruffy brown hair. "Would you like me to explain... everything?" He offered, a flash of the blue glow from his eyes hypnotizing me. 

I carefully nodded my head, extremely anxious to finally get an explanation of everything. He gracefully shuffled across the filthy, stingy floor and quietly took a seat on the bed. He tapped his hand on the bed, gesturing me to sit directly next him. I hesitated before I sauntered over to the bed, nervously sitting beside him, shivers running up and down my body.

"Don't be scared just yet," He assured me, his voice tense and deep. Yet? Oh that is just... awesome.  I nodded my head again, the only thing I can do at the moment. "Where would you like me to begin?" He asked. I guess there's too much information to just throw at me. And if he does smother me with too much unbelievable information, I just might faint. 

I thought carefully about which question I wanted to ask first. "Um... Why do your eyes glow?" I was beyond curious to find out the answer to that. It could be blindingly bright for one second, then somewhat dim another second. 

He forcefully bit on his lower lip. "Before I tell you everything, you have to promise me you won't freak out or anything," he stated in all seriousness. 

"I promise," I said without hesitation. I would say anything just so get some answers, because, I'm not sure if I won't freak out. 

"Alright.... good," he responded, uncertain if I was telling the truth. I guess I'm making my internal feelings extremely visible to my external expression, and body language. "Now my eyes..." he started.

I immediately interrupted him. "Everyone's eyes..." I added sounding a bit rude, accidentally. 

He slightly grinned, his white teeth sparkling, even in this dim, dingy room. "Everyone's eyes," he corrected, sounding sarcastic. I rolled my eyes to myself, awaiting the reason everyone's eyes glow. "Well, since we're vampires, we're... a little different than humans. Even appearance wise," he explained, stating the obvious. I sat patiently, wanting a clearer explanation. "The reason they do so is because well, when a vampire is.. hungry." He kept stammering, always searching for the right words to say, and the right way to say it. "Basically, when our eyes are brighter, it means that we are hungrier and get... out of control.. easier. Then when they're dimmer and a normal, human color, we're easier to control and not hungry," he explained clearly, not looking at me as he spoke. "Is that all cleared up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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