Chapter 13 - Tale as Old as Time: A Boy Loves a Girl

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Thank you all for sticking with this story! I hope you like it!! And I tell ya... Well, there's a lot of research that goes into these celeb fanfictions, but I love it! Also, I use dialogue from Doogie Kamealoha M.D. so I don't own it or the dialogue. It just moves the story along and shows the work that Milo and the cast and crew put into making the show, each individual scene at a time.

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"I'm sorry if my musk is hitting hard right now," I said as Nico as Peyton and I were doing the scene where they enter the fancy dinner that Lahela planned for them. "It's not cologne. The valet just insisted on Febreze-ing the inside of my bike helmet. There is a valet, right?"

She was amused. "Yes."


"And Alpine Meadow suits you."

I showed her my look, a dressy look that Nico probably never wears. I looked around the vicinity after. "This place is fancy, huh?"

"Yeah. I thought we'd class it up, so I set up a little night for us here."

Peyton gave me the blue and yellow beast coat, and I held it up and asked, "Does 'class it up' mean Captain Crunch cosplay? Because I am down."

"No. See, it's like the tailcoat from Beauty and the Beast."

As I put on the coat, Peyton took off her raincoat to reveal her shimmering yellow, or more cream-colored, Belle dress.

As I put on the coat, Peyton took off her raincoat to reveal her shimmering yellow, or more cream-colored, Belle dress

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I stared at her in this beautiful dress since Nico was completely smitten with Lahela. "Whoa. La belle."

I actually had to ask someone about that translation. It means the beauty in Spanish. And Peyton really was beautiful, but I thought that purely platonically, like a brother complementing a sister. I took her hand as she asked, "Be my guest?"

We walked off out of the scene, and "cut!" was shouted. "Wonderful!" Sean complemented. "We'll use that take. Good work!"

Finally, after around six takes. Thankfully it wasn't more. Peyton and I, throughout the filming process, practice as much as possible to nail down the scene when we were behind the camera. So, when I mentioned my spare time, practicing scenes with my fellow actors was one of the things I did. And, yeah, homework was up on the list, unfortunately.

"Great job as always," I complemented Peyton, and she made a little curtsy.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Beast. The same to you."

Sean came up to us and said, "Again, that was beautiful. You two are seriously naturals. I can't get over this chemistry that you two have."

"Thank you so much, Sean," I said, and I elbowed Peyton in the arm. "But she's the real natural."

"Please," she scoffed. "You're the talent, Mr. I-sing-dance-and-play-a-dozen-instruments-as-well-as-do-theater."

"Correction-I play about five instruments, and, hey, you sing and act better than I do, I think."

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