chapter 10

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Percy glared at the demigod, rage filled his eyes. He let out a large scream of anger, his trident and sword were in his hands, his samurai armour surrounded his body. All the Romans and Greeks, stood to one side. They watched as the demigod of the sea marched over to the Greek.

Eli, was shaking with fear as the two time Hero of Olympus marched over, "SON OF ARES!" Percy yelled, he went to strike the demigod down however before he could, a flash appeared where everyone had to cover their eyes and the Roman Goddess, Bellona blocked Percy's weapon before he could strike. "This isn't what she would want." Bellona spoke to Percy, her tone was kind. 

Percy bowed his head at the goddess, both making riptide back into a pen, his trident back on his back and the armour back into a ring, he sighed. "He should stand trial by the Olympians or the demigods at least!" The Greek demigod exclaimed. The 12 Olympians nodded, Bellona also agreed. Soon all of the demigods and the gods were on Olympus, the throne room had been set up as a courtroom. Zeus acted as the judge, the other gods were the jury. Annabeth was going to act as Eli's lawyer where as Percy didn't take any help.

Zeus spoke after banging his gavel, "Court is now in session! The Greeks will start."

Annabeth turned to the gods "Dear Lord and Ladies of Olympus, what Eli did, was in the defence of our camp and way of life, the Romans had our camp surrounded and were ready to invade, Reyna and Perseus walked out of the command tent, so he assumed that they were the commanders of the Roman forces."

The gods on the jury listened and took it all in, Zeus then spoke "Perseus on behalf of the Romans you have the floor."

Percy spoke, "Gods of Olympus, what has just happened is not an act of defence as at the time, Reyna had no armour on nor was she holding a weapon, we had simply come out of a meeting in the command tent to try and talk the Romans out of it.  They didn't want listen and wanted to make sure the Greeks wouldn't threaten their way of life and they were pretty angry at how the Greeks threw me out like yesterdays trash. What the son of Ares did, was a petty act, and not even worthy of the name Ares!" 

Annabeth took the floor again, and argued "To counter, the argument made by Perseus, Eli couldn't have know that Reyna wasn't armed or not, all he saw was a Roman leave the command tent!" 

Suddenly, Eli spoke up "I wasn't aiming for Reyna, I was aiming for our camps former camp leader, Perseus Jackson."

Gasps were heard from everyone, but in a blink of an eye, a trident went flying, pinning Eli to the floor, the Sea God got off his throne and roared "YOU WHAT!" Suddenly, Percy spoke  "Father, calm down."

Zeus banged a gavel, "Order in this court! The jury will now go and decide the demigods fate and while we wait, we shall have a recess!" 

The gods of the jury, all disappeared to a different room, while the Greeks all huddled together, The Romans huddled together, but with the Romans were Nico and Thalia, as well as Leo, the hunters were stood in the middle. 

After around 5 minutes, the jury returned, the fore-god of the Jury was Hestia, "Brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, the jury as reached the verdict of Guilty on the crime of Killing Reyna as well as the attempted murder of Percy, we move that Percy can give Eli, son of Ares, his punishment." 

Zeus, looked at the demigods, "Eli, you are being found guilty by this court as guilty in the murder of Reyna, and the attempted murder of Percy Jackson, I agree with my fellow gods, that Perseus can hand out any punishment and not be punished in whatever way he chooses." 

The Greek Demigods gasped, while the Romans let out a victory yell. Eli was then handcuffed and given to Percy. Zeus, then spoke "Greeks and Romans are to stay separate again now, with the exception of Perseus, Leo, Nico and the hunters." Everyone seemed to agree, Hermes flashed the Romans, Leo, Percy and the criminal, Eli to Camp Jupiter and Zeus sent the Greeks back to CHB and Artemis and her hunt took the hunt back into the wild. 

At Camp Jupiter, when the Romans and Percy, Leo and the prisoner all appeared on the Field of Mars, the Romans minus Leo and Percy all went to the senate, Percy took Eli to his house as that's where he would give out the punishment, Leo followed Percy.

(TW: torture ahead)

The senate, was deciding, if they wanted to make Leo a member of the Legion. They all agreed. 

In Percy's house, Percy had tied Eli to a post and smirked, he uncapped Riptide and started to make slashes into the Greek, before healing the cuts, he decided to put salt into the cuts to make them sting more, then he used water to heal them, he repeated this a few times, then decided to drag Eli up to the bathtub and filled it, he then dunked Eli's head into it, nearly to the point of drowning the demigod, he did this a few times.

Percy then, stabbed the demigod a few times, adding more salt to the wounds, he then called Leo up, Leo looked at Percy then grinned and summoned a few fire balls and sent them at Eli, both the demigods smirked at each other while they tortured Eli, Eli kept screaming and his voice soon gave out. Percy healed him once more, and tied him up once again. 

Percy set a bucket up, full of water, and put Eli in a half-full bathtub, "If you fall asleep, you will drown, better not sleep" He grinned, and went to bed himself, Percy slept perfectly fine that night, when he woke up, he walked back into the bathroom to see Eli, still awake and the bucket not moved, he decided to smirk, he started to concentrate, he was breaking a promise he made to Annabeth in the pit, he started to boil Eli's blood. Eli's face started to go red, his skin blistered as his blood was boiled. Percy stopped after 3 minutes, tears streamed down Eli's face.

Percy got him out of the tub and decided, to drag the son of Ares into the kitchen, he grabbed a sharp kitchen knife, made out of Imperial Gold, he laid the demigod's hand on the kitchen side and chopped Eli's thumb and middle finger off, he then shoved both of them up Eli's nose and stopped the bleeding with his healing powers from the water.

Percy, dragged Eli to the beach and buried his head in the sand, so he would choke on the sand that his head would be surrounded by. After 5 minutes, he pulled Eli's head up then decided to take him back into the house, he decided to cut more of the demigods body with riptide without healing it this time, he then fashioned a cross, one like the old Romans used to crucify Jesus. Percy then made Eli drag the cross to the Field of Mars, he made the demigod wear just his boxers, Eli dragged  the cross through New Rome and towards the Field of Mars, demigods started to follow them. When they reached the field, Percy slammed the cross into the floor, and nailed the demigod to the cross, "This is your final punishment, you shall die on the cross, the Romans can impale you with any weapons!" 

By now all the Romans, had gathered they smirked at what Percy said, and wasted no time impaling Eli, with swords, spears and arrows. They carried on, day and night, he died by Percy impaling him with his trident. "Citizens of Camp Jupiter, the murderer of Reyna has received his punishment!" There was cheers of happiness.

(torture scene over)

Percy walked away, going to his house in New Rome, he sat down and sighed, he im'ed Nico and told him off the punishment he dished out

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