Chapter 4

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A few weeks later, still Atlantis

Percy, Poseidon and Triton had all been training together, Triton had been showing Percy, his duties as a Prince as well as training him with his Trident. Percy had become a natural at using the trident.

The Sea god's family had grown, Amphitrite now accept Percy as her step-son while Triton accept him as his step-brother, and Poseidon couldn't be happier.

Percy was sat in his room, he was on an IM with his cousin Nico, who was currently in the underworld but previously, Nico had been looking for him after the note he left. Nico and Thalia had searched high and low, and pretty much left no stone unturned. "I've gotta run, I have training" Percy spoke, before cutting the IM. The demigod got up and walked to the training Arena. Taking out his trident, he spun it a few times, before he attacked the training dummies. His strikes were an extension of his arm. They were powerful, and took the dummies down with a few strikes.

Percy trained with new stances as well as using Riptide and the trident at times, as he trained, Triton showed up and looked at his Half-brother "Wanna duel?" The minor gods voice came, Percy turned and nodded.

Both the minor god and the demigod got into a stance, Percy's stance was defensive whereas Triton took the Offensive stance. Both twirled their tridents, Triton went in for an attack, Percy who saw this coming defended the attack and pushed an attack back by throwing his trident at his half-brother. Triton, who was surprised at the attack just managed to roll out of the way, and before Percy could grab his trident, Triton had rushed Percy, cutting the demigod's leg.

Percy decided before he could get his trident, he would take Riptide out and uncap it, the celestial bronze sword was now in the demigod's hand, Percy twirled it a little bit, and at full speed attacked Triton, the minor god managed to block a few blows however Percy managed to blow a few cuts to Triton on his legs and abs. Percy carried on attacking, get lucky every so often. Triton, defended quite a few and got some strikes on his half-brother. However, Percy managed to get the upper hand, getting more and more strikes on Triton while he recovered his trident. Soon Percy attacked with both his trident and riptide. Percy dealt a lot of blows onto Triton and soon had Triton's head between the trident and the sword "Yield?" The demigod asked.

"Very well, i yield" Triton spoke. Percy removed the weapons and capped Riptide and put the Trident on his back. He helped Triton up. Triton spoke "you have excelled in your training demigod, your fighting with the trident is like your sword fighting. Father and I can't teach you anymore." Percy smiled a bit and bowed to Triton and left, Percy thought to himself, "if there was nothing else to be taught. Would it value him to leave and see the world."

As he approached his room for the night, he settled on his choice. He would leave, see the world and train his powers and weapon skills in the wild.

--next morning--

Percy woke up, he showered, brushed his teeth, got dressed and packed a small bag. Before, he would leave he would see if his father would enchant the trident like Riptide was. He decided to name his trident, "ειρηνευτής." (peace keeper.) Percy walked to the throne room and approached his fathers throne. "Father, can you enchant my trident much like Riptide?" He asked, Poseidon thought about it "the best I can do is to make sure it will always return to you in it's current form." Percy nodded and held out the trident.

Poseidon chanted something, and the trident glowed. "Lord Poseidon, Lady Amphitrite, Lord Triton thank you all for letting me stay here but I am going to leave, and travel the world and explore. I will try my best to keep you all informed." Percy explained, Poseidon went to speak, however Percy's look showed he was not willing to argue on the matter.

"Son, before you leave I would like to give you partially immortal." Poseidon said, Percy thought about it "I accept it, father." Poseidon chanted something, and Percy glowed for a second, he was now partially immortal. The demigod bowed and took his leave, he swam out of the kingdom and back up to the surface near Long Beach, just not Camp Half-Blood.
Percy sat on the beach for a few minutes, before choosing where he should travel to.

As Percy decided, it was between Japan or Alaska, the land beyond the gods. Percy decided to travel to Japan first, he first went to Manhattan, so he could convert his USD into the Yen. After he was done, he walked into an alley then, he looked around to make sure nobody was nearby then he mist travelled to a forest in Japan.

He looked around to make sure nobody spotted him. He then decided that he should make his way into a local village to find camping supplies. He wondered into the nearest village, and found a shop. He brought a small 1 person tent and some food and made his way back into the forest.

Percy struggled to set the tent up but after an hour, he had managed to get it set up. After setting it up, he put his bag down and looked around the immediate area of his camp site for wood to make a camp fire.

After making the camp fire, he sat down and cooked some of the food. He ate about half and chucked the rest into the fire "For the gods." The man muttered, before he climbed into the tent and laying on the floor of the tent.

Percy, kind of stared into space, deep in thought about the past 6 years, from his arrival to camp, all of his quests, and both wars and finally the heart-breaking betrayal. Soon, he finally managed to drift off into sleep, he hoped it would be a dreamless sleep.

(N/A: I know the fight scene is pretty bad, im sorry, thanks to SAINT-XIV for the suggestion of Percy's first adventure into the mortal world)

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