Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

When Percy, woke up after his sleep in the Galloway Forest, he packed up and left the forest, he didn't eat anything and he started to head to a town called Newton Stewart and it was only around an hour and a half on foot, he decided to walk instead of mist travelling. As he walked, he had walked passed many other walkers. 

After the one hour and a half walk, he ended up in Newton Stewart and realized he had no money, in the Great British Pound. As he walked down the streets, he found a Post Office that exchanged currency, so he walked in and up to the front desk and spoke "Can I exchange $250 into Pounds, please." The women behind the counter replied, "Yes, hand the money over." He did as she asked and she gave him £250.(I used the current exchange rate from google.) Percy thanked her and walked out, he now needed to find some food. He walked a minute down the road, and there was a CO-OP, he walked in and walked around aimlessly as he had never been in a co-op before. He finally, found the meal deal section. They had selections of Pastas, and sandwiches. He picked up a Ham and Cheese sandwich with Mayo on white bread, and a packet of crisps, pickled onion monster munch as well as a Cherry Coke. He made his way to pay for it, after paying for it, he left the shop and ate it pretty quick, his next call would be to find somewhere to stay for the night. 

He asked a stranger for directions to the nearest b and b, they sent him to Crosbie Villa B and B, as he followed the directions, he was given he found the B and B. He open the door and approached the reception desk and looked at the gentleman behind it, "Can I have a room for one night please?" The man seemed to study, the teenager for a second "That will be £75 for the one night." Percy handed the cash over, the man gave Percy a key and took him to his room. 

As Percy, put his bag down, on the desk in the room he had noticed a map of the area, he noticed there was a library, which was only around 3 minutes away. He decided to have a nap before going to the library, he only napped for around 45 minutes, then got up and freshened up a bit, before leaving the B&B and making his way to the library. 

He sat at a computer. He searched for the Celtic gods, he learned about Aengus, The "Young One," a clever Celtic god of love, poetry, and youth, next he learnt about Arawn, A skillful magician who ruled the realm of Annwn, the Celtic Otherworld. Next he learnt about the goddess, Badb, who was the "Battle Crow," Celtic war goddess and member of the Morrigan. Then Brigid, who was the "Exalted One," revered Celtic goddess of fertility, fire, and passion. Next, he learnt about Cailleach, who was the "Veiled One," an ancient Celtic goddess of the winds and winter. Next, was Ceridwen who was a Powerful Celtic sorceress whose potions brought beauty and wisdom. Then, Cernunnos who was the Mysterious Celtic horned god, master of beasts and wild places.

Then, he learnt about Dagda, who was the "good god," Celtic deity and chief of the Tuatha dé Danann. Then he learnt about Danu, the Celtic "Mother Goddess" and matriarch of the Tuatha dé Danann. Next he learnt about, Herne the Hunter who was the terrifying Celtic specter haunting the English county of Berkshire. Next, he learnt about Lugh. Lugh "of the Long Arm," Celtic god of kings, justice, and leadership. He then learnt about Morrigan, who was the Irish goddess of war, prophecy and death. He then learnt about Morrigan's husband, Neit who was the Celtic god of war. He then learnt about, Nuada the silver-handed Celtic god and first king of the Tuatha dé Danann. Finally, he learnt about Taranis,  "The Thunderer," a powerful Celtic god of thunder and storms.

He then started to research about mythical creatures that were said to live in Scotland. First, he came across the Loch Ness monster also commonly known as Nessie. It was said that the creature lived in the waters of Loch Ness which is one of the largest lochs in Scotland, by the surface area it covers. More than that, it contains more fresh water than all of the lakes in England and Wales put together. Although nobody knows what the Loch Ness Monster might look like, it's depicted as a long-necked creature with lots of humps. This has led to the belief that she might be a species of Plesiosaur from ancient times. It said that Nessie, was very good at hiding as nobody had ever seen her before. When, Percy finished reading and before moving on to the next, he decided after he would attempt to travel to Loch Ness and see if this creature was real. 

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