
"Tomorrow I'm gonna ask Alby about it. Maybe all the time we've been here, we were always searching at the wrong time. Maybe that's the key." What he said is actually very smart, but I don't like it.

"No Thomas don't do that please." I look at him. Into his eyes. His beautiful eyes. I have to convince him.

"What if this time you don't survive it? What if you die?" I look at him pleading.

He takes a step closer to me and takes my hand in both of his. He watches me with a small smile on his lips.

"Don't worry Ruby. I'm gonna get us out of here and bring you home. I promise." everything about the way he says this makes me believe him. I don't try to change his mind.

We walk past the dining hall when I suddenly feel sick. Like very sick. I get so dizzy, I have to get onto my knees. I hear Thomas saying something and feel his hands on my shoulders from behind me. Then I throw up.

Thomas takes my hair behind my head and helps me as good as he can. Soon It's all out of me and I slowly get up. "Hey, are you okay? You wanna go see Jeff?" Thomas voice is caring and I nodd at him as a yes.

"Didn't take long for you to get pregnant." voices a few meters away from us are making fun of me. "Is it yours, Thomas?" They are laughing.

I feel the anger radiating from Thomas. "Watch it, man." he growls at the boy.

"Why? It's her own fault if the slut does it with everyone." the boy grins at Thomas.

The fuck is he talking about?

"What did you just call her?" Oh man. I wouldn't want to be the boy right now. If looks could kill, he would be lying six feet under the ground.

Thomas is now right in front of the boy. The stupid grin vanishes from his face when he realizes that Thomas doesn't find it funny the slightest.

"Look it was just a joke, alright." he tries to reason with Thomas. But Thomas just steps closer to him and grabs ahold of the collar of the boys t-shirt. "If I ever here you talk to her or even see you look at her the wrong way, you're gonna wish you've never been born. Do you understand?" he says dangerously quiet.

The boy boy looks to the ground and nods. Thomas lets go of him and walks back to me, before taking my arm and dragging me away.

I don't think I ever saw him this angry. It's quite attractive, but that's probably weird to think in a situation like this.


After Thomas brought me to Jeff and waited till he told us there was nothing wrong with me, he went off to talk with Alby and Minho about his idea of going into the maze over night.

I still don't like the idea of him staying in the maze over night, but I trust him.

I hear loud voices coming from the homestead. The door gets pushed open and an angry Thomas walks out of it. He angrily looks to the ground and then disappears in the deadheads.

Instead of following him, I watch Newt, Alby and Minho walking out of the homestead too. I join them.

"Hey guys, what's got Thomas upset?" I ask them. Alby answers me, more mumbling to himself "He just doesn't get it. He never did. It's too dangerous out there."

Oh, I guess Thomas idea wasn't accepted. Newt looks at me and adds "We can't let Thomas stay in the maze overnight. He's mad at us for not letting him try."

Minho scoffs "I don't think mad is the right word. He won't even talk to us."

He then looks at me, as if he just now noticed I am standing next to him "You go talk to him."

I frown "Why do you think he would listen to me?"

He rolls his eyes at me "You really don't get it, do you Princess? That guy is practically in love with you! He looks at you like you are his whole world or something."

My frown deepens "What are you even talking about?"

"I give up. God, is every girl this stupid?" Minho dramatically holds his arms up. I kick his leg in response. "Ow, shit don't do that!" he holds his leg and makes a grimace.

I turn to Newt "Do you think I should talk to Thomas?" He nodds at me heavily and I make my way to the deadheads.

It is already dark around me and I get a little bit scared. A good thing there are only teenage boys in the glade. Or not a good thing? I don't know.

I am starting to get uneasy the longer I walk through the dark silence. The shadows between the trees look like they are reaching for me. I feel like I'm being watched.

It doesn't take long for me to completely forget where I am. Every tree looks the same and the darkness is not helping the slightest.

"Thomas!" I call him. I hope he's not far away. Maybe he hears me and gets me out of here. "Thomas, where are you?"

I don't get an answer. Maybe he's mad at me. Or he left a long time ago and I'm all alone in the woods. I shiver. My breath is accelerating and there is a weird feeling in my stomach.

Nobody will come and help me. They don't care.

I stumble forwards and my hands fall onto a tree. I let myself fall against it and begin sobbing. The tears in my hands reflect the moonlight from above me.

"No." I whisper to myself "No, no, no..." my arms hug my legs, just like I did in the box when I came up. That was the day it all started. I got sent to this horrible place and there is no getting out of here.

I want my old life back, even if I don't remember anything. It had to be better than this. I lay my head on my knees, my back is leaning against the tree and I'm shaking. I keep whispering no to myself as if that would do something.

Something touches my arm and I jump. I look up to meet two worried looking eyes. It's Thomas. Thank god it's him.

"Ruby, what the hell are you doing here?" he asks me, not sounding mad at me.

"I- I was looking for you." I say, still shivering. His eyes are softly watching me. He takes one hand around my waist to steady me and pulls me up.

"We'll go back to the glade." Thomas announces while walking trough the trees with me. His arm is around my shoulders as we walk. "Are you okay, darling?" I would have blushed if it weren't for the stupid anxiety to stop me. This is definitely my new least favourite feeling.

"I hate this shitty forest." I mumble in response. And he chuckles.

I don't know how to feel about this...
Btw this chapter is shorter but that means there are gonna be more but shorter ones from now on.
Hope you enjoyed x

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now