"Maybe I won't gain anything but-" he took a sip of his whiskey not taking his eyes off the woman in front of her. "-But my son would" Selena was surprised by how straight forward he was, 


"That's what you were wanting to hear am I correct?" he questioned with a sly smile, "That I only need you to be my incubator and birth my pups? That is what your pack has told you, correct me if I'm wrong?" he forwardly asked a bit hurt by his own words,


"No! Now you must listen to me Selena!" he got up firing out of nowhere making Selena quieten herself, and sit back. 

"I was never raised to believe women were only meant to birth pups. You clearly proved me wrong by becoming Alpha at the young age of 15. What I ask of you is completely different Selena. But for me to go forward you must put these filth your pack has filled you with behind you"

"Talk first then I'll decide who's side to believe" Selena spoke formally. Jacob felt happy she agreed to listen, he thought he was going to need assistance with convincing his mate. 

"I knew you were my mate from the day you shifted Selena. I've known all this time and had men around you, making sure you were fine. When word gets out that I've found my mate people will come after you and everyone you love just to get back at me. By our law you are to reside in the Palace immediately. Your safety is this kingdom's top priority. If you die everyone is in danger"

"How so? Why me?"

"I won't lie to you tonight Selena. As the King's mate you're purpose as queen is to bring forth a new generation of princes and Princesses. Or at least the next K-"

"So you do want me to birth your pups?" she questioned disappointedly, 

"That's not what I'm saying. By now you've heard the stories on how I'm to die soon. I'm in need of an heir Selena. If you were to be pregnant with my heir and I died, my subjects will not stress on their new King. You would rule as Queen till my Heir has come of age to consume the throne. YOU GET TO BE THE FUCKING QUEEN OF LUNAS"

"Yet my only job is to birth your 'heir' as you claim it"

"It's much more than that. You'll be trained from your first day to rule, to look after certain parts of the kingdom. The position will give you much power than you have, wealth, protection, security, no man will ever cross you-"

"in fear of you cutting their heads, of course" she said sarcastically. She suddenly stood up from her couch, "What if I was pregnant with another man's child? Then what?" A ferocious growl erupted from Jacob making Selena sink in a spitball. He was near her within seconds, extremely fast; Selena didn't have a time to react before she was pushed onto the couch again, his eyes were red with anger as he tried to control himself, 

"I wouldn't give another man the chance to even touch you Selena. I'll fuck you day and night and make sure the pup is mine" he spat bitterly against her ear sending waves all the way down to Selena's core.

He stood away from her when he felt his canine teeth elongating, he turned away from her trying to put away his razor sharp teeth which were about to mark Selena permanently. 

"You owe me Alpha Selena" he suddenly said not starring a glance at her, "Your mother, the former Alpha was brutally murdered in a gunfight. I had the murder caught and gave him the punishment he deserves. I've informed your uncle about my favor"

"I'm aware" she says more likely to herself but Jacob heard her loudly. 

"Then Selena, I ask you to consider my proposition then" Selena looked at him confused, they only discussed certain matters, he never gave her options, 

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