Chapter 10-Family Stories

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A little bit about the rest of my family.

While my immediate family's attitude toward nudity has thus far been pretty much stated, a little bit of information about the extended family. My Mom's side of the family was pretty much entirely opposed to it, at least at this point. My cousins would joke about the naked guy who would occasionally be seen in their neighborhood (these were the cousins who lived near the summer camp where I had worked). On My Dad's side there was a more open attitude. Cousin Billy who is a year older than me, acting as a photographer and reporter for his university News Paper, did an article on the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) in June 2011. Which is an annual event in cities all over the world. He posted about it on social media. My sister talked to my parents about it at dinner time and proudly supported it, and mentioned how it said mostly old people were there. Felix was not there because he was off in the military by that point, and I was home for the summer from college. "It always tends to be old people at those types of events" Mom said. For some reason they were more inclined to listen to Nina, if I would have been the one to bring it up, they would call me a pervert or something similar, but since my sister brought it up it wasn't a big deal except that they still ridiculed the idea. My parents continued to make fun of how it was mostly older people and "who would want to see that?" I kept quiet, not wanting to get any attention put on myself. Nina continued however "I don't see what's so wrong about it, it's not like they're hurting anybody. It's just the human body". At one point Nina looked at me as if to get me to join in, but I just listened silently. My parents continued with the tired old arguments of it being perverted, gross, and immoral.

According to Billy in his article, lots of people snapped pictures and cheered on the naked riders but some complained that the area was not a "nudist park". The ride was "bare as you dare" which meant that people could ride naked if they wanted, or if they preferred, they could wear whatever clothing they liked. While cops told them to get dressed and that they would be fined if they didn't, the fine for nudity was not enforced and some people got undressed again as soon as the ride commenced. He got complaints about the nude photo and video in the article that was posted uncensored. The video was hosted through Youtube and subsequently removed by Youtube when people complained. He set up a poll on social media in which both Nina and I voted that it wasn't offensive, as did the vast majority of respondents (my mom and Great Aunt saw the poll and were some of the few to vote against it). While one of the biggest criticisms seemed to be that it was mostly old people, it was in a progressive college town with a history of protests, and partially on the college campus. So it was rather odd that more of the college students hadn't participated. This was not my first-time hearing about the WNBR but it is what made me determined to go some day. One aspect of WNBR is body paint. Billy's older sister does nude body painting as both the artist and canvas. She is quite good and has done some full body work with it. Even her mother, my aunt, my dad's sister, has done a bit of it too, but as far as I know, no full body stuff, mostly just face painting.

Several years later, Billy ended up marrying an artist that did nude modeling and I wanted to go to the wedding but was unable to make it and I haven't really heard from him since. No one in my immediate family really has.

At night if my dad had to do something he would go around the house in his tighty whiteys (although his were rarely actually white). I kind of get the feeling he would have been a nudist had he not believed it was wrong. He was kind of crazy in his youth until my mom "tamed" him. Had he not met her, he may have pursued his dream of becoming a rock star. That certainly would have been quite a different life than what he currently lived, although he still played music for fun and as a side gig. He even is really big into riding motorcycles.

My dad's other sister Kimberley has a daughter, Lillian Jr, who is a year younger than Nina. As they called her or LJ for short.

At one point around this time, I was swimming at my grandma's pool with my sister, her boyfriend and LJ. After we were done, we all got in the shower at the same time. Nina suggested we get naked. I considered it for a moment, but I said "someone could walk in here any moment, it would be kind of weird" even though I really did want to. Although LJ was wearing a bikini that had become slightly translucent in the water. "Oh, don't be a chicken" Nin said as he took off her bikini top. "I gotta dry off" I said as I got out at that point, not wanting to be caught. While the shower offered little privacy, although it had a frosted glass door, I had actually showered naked in it before. But it was one thing showering in there by myself and showering with a group. One time I was showering naked in there and my sister came in and I asked her to get me a towel. As for LJ, she has gotten really into running and hiking. Which she does in her underwear. In fact, she is really into fitness in general. I kind of think of her as looking a bit like Miley Cyrus.

Finally, my dad's brother is a bit of a deadbeat and has two daughters, my cousin Ginger who was mentioned in s pervious chapter as the baby who swam naked in the pool, and her sister.

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