Chapter 7: Community College

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Meanwhile, going back a bit in time to right after graduating high school, at college I took art classes. I was going to community college right out of high school to save money, a decision I do not regret, although it took me more years than I intended, bringing it concurrent with the events mentioned in the previous chapter. I had intended to go straight to university but that fell through and it was for the better. It had been my goal to be an art major ever since high school and probably since Junior high. So, I took a number of art classes, art history, ceramics, etc. In one ceramics class a girl did a molding of her vagina in plaster and gave a presentation on it. I found it awkward yet fascinating at the same time. In that same class the professor commended someone who mentioned going to a strip club. I had an art history class where we looked at historic naked pictures dating back millennia, at one point the professor made a point of pointing out the "erect penis" in the painting. I don't know why she made such a deal about pointing that out. However, I soon changed my major before I had a chance to take a class with a live nude model as I realized art was no longer my true passion. Although I did look into getting such a job myself, with no success.

I took a swimming class; I took several in fact. I didn't need that many for credits but it was something I enjoyed. I was a decent, probably better than average swimmer, but I enjoyed the class. I even trained to be a lifeguard at one point but didn't pass that portion (mostly due to missing classes because they were at an odd time for me), ending up with just the CPR certificate. One thing I became quite aware of was the drag swim trunks caused and, on an occasion, as I was swimming my butt became almost fully exposed. This I would later realize was why professional swimmers wore Speedos, it created little drag and maintained the least bit of modesty required by society. After every class we would hit the showers to wash off the chlorine. Quite a few would shower with their swimming suits on but I showered naked. This time, I wasn't alone in doing so as I saw others who did so and would even hang out naked afterward in the locker room, including my friend Ralph, who would often let me share his shampoo. My hair was quite long by that point, shoulder length, and all the chlorine had begun to bleach it blond, with a slight greenish tint.

There were also recreational swim times they had during the day, usually around lunch time. You would pay a couple of bucks to swim. I did this with my friends Tabileesy and Ruth Chung, who were young ladies I knew through a club I was in, and it was only when they had their swimming suits on I realized how shapely they were. One time I saw a lady whose swimsuit was white and practically transparent; you could see everything through it.

Another thing I liked to do was hang out in the computer lab, pretty much constantly between classes as sometimes I had hours between classes. One day while there, I did something stupid. I looked up naked pictures of celebrities right there on the public computers. I got kicked off computers for looking at "porn". It was only a 1 day ban however, and the guy who ran the computer lab had a talk with me and said since it was my first warning, it was only for the day. (I did look at stuff like that at the city library. I would look at naked pictures on the public computers, but in that case, no one every discipled me for it, but someone did message me about it who had seen me.)

I also decided I would go to college, wearing as short shorts as I had, and once again went back to being commando almost constantly. It was freedom. I even wore Nina's spandex shorts (which she said actually looked better on me than they did on her). Just so you know, I am quite heterosexual, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy short shorts. They used to be common in the 1980s, but then fell out of style. One day I was in class working in a group with a couple of girls, and the tip of my penis was hanging out the leg of the shorts. I was somewhat hoping they would notice. The professor may have noticed however but he didn't say anything. I made a bet with Virginia Lin, another girl I knew from the club, who always wore shorts herself, on who would wear long pants first. We went on for a while but eventually, she wore long pants and so lost and paid me a dollar.

I went to a school retreat on leadership. We were up in the mountains, not far from one of the summer camps I had worked at. Although we had cabins segregated by gender, everyone broke that rule constantly. One time, I had just gotten out of the shower and got put on my underwear when I noticed a girl just inside the cabin. So I went out and talked to her like that, and she was unphased by it, but the other guy in the room mentioned it. Later, some of the Girls talked about their boobs and went outside in the cold. She was out there in a spaghetti strap top and not cold at all. She built a snow woman, with boobs and nipples.

One of the ladies at school was hosting a Halloween party. I first tried on a toga with nothing underneath, which Nina helped me with. I just wrapped a sheet around me. I ended up going with a different costume, one where people said I looked like Raiden from Street Fighter. One girl wore just a box and a fake afro. Friend Mark Timm went as Ghandi. There was a sexy cop or two. There was Adam and Eve but they weren't actually naked, pretty well covered by fake leaves in fact. Hostess was dressed as old lady, and her son was dressed similar to me. Guy dressed as priest, who was in fact Jewish and my friend who was Jewish dressed as Muslim warrior. Someone even was dressed in a Bill Clinton mask.

Another Halloween party where me and Nina dressed up. I dressed up as a pimp, with a purple suit, which actually belonged to Felix, and Nina as a prostitute. She had a white button up shirt she tied as a crop top and short booty shorts. She tried the costume both with a bra and without, considering the shirt was slightly transparent.

 I was working for a company that pays money for you to be in the audience of TV shows. I had been in numerous shows but they were shooting a pilot for a new show idea. The premise was that people would sing in the shower.  In the end it never got picked up and you can't find much information about it online. I think it had a celebrity panel but can't recall who they were, other than the host Drew Lachey. While the showers were frosted in such a way to hide things in the mid section, the top and bottom parts were clear. One of the girls singing moved in such a way where I briefly caught a view of her butt, the guy next to me noticed too and sort of nudged me.

I saw a girl on the bus going to school. She looked attractive. I decided to go talk to her. She talked about living in another country where it was so hot and they didn't have air conditioner that they just ran around naked. I was interested until she pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. That is a real turn off for me. Another time was talking to a lady who went to France and I asked her about the beaches there and she said "oh I bet you mean the nude beaches huh?" I confirmed that yes indeed I was wondering about that. "Yea nudity is not really a big deal like it is in America" she said. That does it, I wanted to go to France or somewhere else in Europe where they had a less prudish attitude about nudity.

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