Chapter 5: Camp

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 For my 21st birthday, I didn't really have alcohol, my parents didn't oppose alcohol, and would drink it occasionally themselves, they didn't want to host a big party with alcohol. I had however secretly bought alcohol, while managing not to get carded, and hid it in my dresser. So, for my birthday, I only had a party outside with my family. We went to the beach and had a bonfire in the pits that were there. I played in the water with my siblings. At one point, I was at the very edge of the surf and a big wave came in. It knocked me and everyone around over. When I got up, I looked around, and noticed that the lady next to me had a "wardrobe malfunction". She was wearing a one peace swimming suit but the wave had knocked it so out of place I could clearly see her nipple peeking out. I looked away to not appear to be staring. Also, that same day or late the night before, I had posted a picture on the major social network at the time Myspace. Unless you are around my age it has been largely forgotten. It was a picture of me naked from behind, and you could see my full butt. Was it a stupid thing to do? Almost certainly, it's not a good idea to have that type of thing on the internet, and it wasn't the only time I did something like that. I did delete it, but not before I got a few complaints from friends, mostly people from high school, but so far as I could tell, no one actually unfriended me over it. In one way, it did help me gauge the general attitude of people. My Profile Picture at was one where I was naked but cropped, so you could only see the waste up, and no one seemed to say anything negative about it.

Essentially right after that, I would work at a summer camp. I had worked at Christian summer camps since high school. This year I had missed the initiation week, but got there in time for the first week of campers. By sheer coincidence, it was only a few miles away from where some of my cousins lived, but I never actually got a chance to meet with them. According to my cousins who lived in the area, there was often a naked man seen around town, but I only ever went to town once or twice.

On one weekend between camp weeks, I ended up going to a beach with a group of my friends from camp, Lexi, Kevin, and his sister Hellen. We had become a kind of posse. The only other people there were a family who left soon after we got there. So, we had the beach all to ourselves. It was rather chilly so we were a bit bundled up, not wearing typical swimming suits. We only later learned it was a nude beach, when Kevin went back to the beach a few days later and saw a man running there naked. I was determined to get back and did some research on some more nude beaches in the area, which there were a few, but I had no means of getting there, I did not have a car. One of the guys I worked with who was a local, seemed to know quite a bit about the local nude beaches. I tried to get as much information from him as I could.

One day I went for a run in the forest but halfway up the side of the mountain path, I took off my clothes and hid them in a stump. I must have run up the forested path for nearly a mile like that. I almost got to the summit and thought I heard someone, so I ran back down to where my clothes were and quickly got dressed. One of the weeks of camp was Band camp; there were a group of people the dorm, both male an female, I came in with a towel on as some girls were in there. There were not supposed to be girls in the boy's dorms or vice versa but band camp played by their own rules. They were technically an outside organization renting the camp property. 

One of the camp groups went to the beach. One of the coordinating counselors in charge went on ahead, he saw a couple of women standing there, topless, he described them as having the most perfect breasts he had ever seen, and they were standing there puffing their chests out, making their amazing breasts look even better. He really hated having to do it, but told them to cover up because he was bringing campers. I missed this particular exchange personally but I imagine it went something like this. "I really am enjoying the view, and I wouldn't mind if it was just me" he said "but I have kids coming so you should really put on a top". "Oh, come on "one of the ladies said "it's not like it will hurt anyone". "It would be beneficial for them to see what boobs look like" her friend added. "I imagine most of the boys will be shirtless? What's the difference? Why do they get to have the freedom of being topless but we don't?"

"I know it's unfair" he said "but those are the rules. So, I would really appreciate it if you put something on." He finally convinced them to move to another part of the beach, where they would be out of sight of the campers.

Another time, I went for a run that amounted to almost a half marathon, initiated by one of the female counselors, Elizabeth and another counselor Victor was with us as well. We ran past a creek where it looked for a second, like someone was going skinny dipping, but they were far enough away I couldn't be sure, however, I suggested we try it. My companions thought it might be an idea but would rather focus on running right now. I took off my shirt as did the others. Elizabeth took off hers and ran the rest of the way in a sports bra. She had admitted at one point, to having answered her front door of her house naked on some occasions.

Towards the end of my time there, I helped a mentally disabled adult camper bath himself. That was a new experience for me in the sense that I had never assisted someone in that way before.  

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