51. Safe. For Now

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"Listen a book a day will keep anyone away if I throw it hard enough but im reading this one so you are safe... for now."

Gwayne took a cautious step back.

"Not you. Not today." She mused looking up from her book.

"What's going on?"

"I swear I didnt mean to anger her." Alicent declared.

"This isnt angry davina." Gwayne assured. "She is too calm to be angry."

"Or thats what she wants you to think." Alicent countered, Davina looked between them, talking about her, right in front of her as if she couldnt hear them. "And she is plotting your murder." Davina cocked her head debating that.

"Dont put ideas in her head." Gwayne countered, scolding his little sister.

"I love you both. Honest I do but I was in the middle of something." Davina remarked nodding to her book.

"Right best get out of here before she turns that book on us." Gwayne agreed ushering his sister out.

"Daddy!" Draegon declared. Helaena put him down and he ran to gwayne.

"Hey buddy you playing with Helaena?"

"She showed me the butter- fly flies."  Draegon agreed.

"Dav?" Aegon questioned.  She glaced up her eyes visible over her book and she held up one finger. Aegon nodded sitting beside her laying his head in her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair mindlessly as she read.

"Okay. What do you need?" Davina questioned putting her book down but Aegon was fast sleep like when he was a baby in her arms. Davina bent over kissing his forehead and turning back to her book.


That night When davina came back after tucking draegon in and confiscated a bottle of good wine from Aegon she was stopped at the door.

"Hi." Davina whispered closing the door behind her. Gwayne smiled taking a step closer.

Gwayne lifted his fingers and ran them over davinas jawline with tender worship, and a deep, unrestrained longing filled his eyes. He leaned forward ever so slightly, breathing her in, and then another emotion joined his desire. Need.

Her hands wove around his neck, one of her legs around his waist. Her spine was flush against the hard surface of the door, but she didn't notice, not when all of the good hard of her husband was pressed to her front.

"Your mouth," she said, heart pounding. "Gwayne, let me have it."

"Fuck," he growled back and a satisfied smirk pulled at plump lips. And then he let her have it. His lips slammed against hers, tongue shoving into her mouth, teeth nipping, hands sliding up to cup her jaw and angle it.

Flames were swirling in her stomach, expanding in all directions, engulfing her in the haze of a seriously perfect kiss. At least until there was a knock on the door, just above her head.

She didn't hear it at first, didn't feel the vibration of it through the door. Not until the knock turned into pounding. Then she realized what she had been hearing. Then she realized what she was doing. His eyes had darkened to the deepest forest green, his lips were swollen and red, no doubt the same as hers.

His kiss could also be considered the best—as in the best of her life. Because a kiss from the man you love tops every other kiss. No brainer —but it hadn't exactly been gentle.

"Babe," he murmured, brushing a thumb over the corner of her mouth.

"I—" The knocking came again, but this time it was paired with a voice. With tylands voice.

"Princess, we have a... the queen said you should be here for this meeting," he called through the door. "I'm sorry to . . . well, we got a situation out here."

"Handle it," davina snapped.  "Im not queen yet."

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now