49. Ringworm

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Love Story / Viserys Targaryen / Alicent Hightower / POLY out now!
Lonesome / Sandor Clegane out now!

3 years later

"Draegon!" Gwayne called out as he looked around. "Draegon, come on out!" 

"Thats not how hide and seek works!" His little voice corrected. 

"Ah," Gwayne chuckled moving towards his voice, he peered behind the couch but Draegon wasnt there. He pulled open the wardrobe, but no luck. "You are too good at this."  Draegon giggled out. 

"Hey, sorry, meetings were crazy, where is my little man?" Davina questioned peering around. "Drae! Drae!" 

"Rawrrrr!" Draegon declared and they looked up. 

"Now how did he get up there?" Gwayne questioned. Davina laughed out reaching up on top of the wardrobe for him. 

"Princess," Criston remarked holding out a scroll. 

"Burn it." Davina corrected. Gwayne grabbed it from him. 

"Another one?" gwayne questioned tossing it in the fire. 

"We kicked him out... again." Criston informed them. "He's getting more... desperate." 

"Of course he is." Davina agreed. "he's Daemon." 

"RAWRRR!" Draegon declared as Davina flew him around the room. 

"Don't worry!" Tommen declared marching in. "As hand of the king I am happy to announce we have put in new protocols." 

"Have we?" Criston questioned. 

"Yes, keep up, right now." Tommen agreed. Davina laughed out. 

"Uncle TOMMM!" Draegon declared. 

"Little Dragon."

"Draegon!" he corrected. 

"Thats what i'm saying is it not?" Tommen mused. Davina smirked back at them as Draegon ran up to Tommen. 


"Dragon, yes, little dragon." Tommen winked back at Gwayne and Davina. "Anyways, protocols to keep the monster out."

"I protect mama!" Draegon corrected. 

"Good you can help!" Tommen agreed. 

"You know you are not hand of the king." Gwayne countered. 

"Says you." Tommen chuckled. 

"Where is my father?" Gwayne pondered. Tommen chuckled out. "TOmmen what did you do with my father?" 

"Nothing, Dav got rid of him or have you been too busy raising a child to notice?" Tommen teased. Gwayne looked to Davina, she smiled leaning into him. 

"i'm a very pretty distraction." She reminded him. 

"What did you do?" Gwayne questioned. 

"I sent him away and I would do it again. Tommen has been hand of the king for... three moons now?" Davina recalled. 

"You sent him away... like how you sent Larys away?" Gwayne questioned curiously. 

"No, he is your father, he is awful but he is your father and I am not going to kill him off." Davina assured as Draegon ran between their legs ramming his head into their thighs as he ducked down. "I convinced my brother that Otto couldnt be my hand of the king and that I needed Tommen to know what the hell he was doing before I became the boss and Viserys being Viserys agreed." 

"So my father... have I really not noticed, three whole moons?" Gwayne questioned. 

"Yes." Davina agreed. "Now tommen tell me these protocols." 

"Well... oh fuc-dge." Tommen corrected smiling down at Draegon. Davina followed his gaze. 

"Great protocols." Criston agreed. 

"Daemon." Davina hissed marching off. "Can't I be rid of him?" 

"Apparently not." Gwayne murmured. 

Daemon wouldnt leave them alone. Davina burned the ravens and pushed Daemon off cliffsides he kept coming back. Like a plague. Or ringworm. Annoying and pestering and never ending it seemed. You could treat it and treat it but it was persistent and resistant for moons. 

"Don't know what I saw in you but now I see nothing but a Small minded man with a really big ego." Davina demanded. "Used to be a nice guy, where the hell did hе go? Can't believe I еver wanted you to love me," Davina cackled out like it was the funniest thing in the world, she was so stupid back then. "Sorry not sorry that I'm laughing but that's funny, that's funny, thought you were the one yeah, that's funny."

Another hard shove and Daemon was falling over the cliffside, she peered down and saw him land with a splash, he popped up for air a moment later and she grumbled. Killing off previous husbands was easier than getting rid of Daemon. 

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