37. Invisible Monsters

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"Bringing a child into the world. Pushing a life into the world pushing it viciously through you. Ripping through you. Tearing you apart. Doesnt that sound fun?" Davina questioned sarcastically

"No." Gwayne agreed.

"Thank you for seeing things my way." Davina agreed. Gwayne chuckled. "What? No. Never mind dont say it."

"You are just really good with them."

"Harwin. Rescue me!" Davina countered as she strut off. Harwin turned, smirking back at them.

"I hate how close you are with them." Gwayne admitted "but im confident in our relationship so im not worried."

"If I married you harwin, you would never make me go through the tremendous pain childbirth, right?"

" you want me to be honest? Because hell yes I would. You would look so sexy dav." Harwin assured.

"I would. But thats not the point." Davina corrected.


Helaena grabbed Davina's cheeks so their noses were touching, one of her signature moves. Her violet eyes are pools of innocence.

"My room has monsters," she whispered loudly. Davina held back a laugh.  "You don't want to go in my room."

"I have already been in your room, silly goose. I didn't see any monsters." Davina corrected. Gwayne smiled back at her, he loved her, wanted a child of his own because he knew that she would be such an amazing mother. Davina picked her up and start taking her out.

"There are monsters," helaena insisted, Davina shook her head.

"We don't run from monsters." Davina corrected. "We are Targaryen. We fight the monsters."

"You and me fight it?" Helaena questioned. 

"You and me fight it." Davina agreed. "let me just clear my schedule and we will get right on this." 

"Thank you!" Helaena declared hugging her tight. 


When Gwayne finally returned to the foyer and saw his gorgeous wife, the small reprieve from her beauty as she stood in her baggy shirts and cozy pants, surely she had stolen from him, her hair was down and a little bit messy, she probably went for a ride and her hair tie came loose, making her hair messy and yet beautiful. yet she wasnt all dolled up, she wasnt in her sexy riding attire, she was just Davina now, he liked that she didnt have to put a show on for him, that she felt comfortable to just be herself. She didnt have to put a face on like most women did, always looking the part for their husband, Gwayne liked how comfortable they were with each other. Davina looked up when she felt him staring and a smile curved her lips. 

"Come." He extended a hand, and when she took it, he laced his fingers through hers. He led her out into the darkness. 

"What did you do today?" Davina questioned. "I can guarantee that its not better than my day."

"I was in meetings and training with your favorite guards." Gwayne answered. "What did you do?"

"I fought an invisible monster with Helaena. I told you, my day was better."

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