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Oh humble dandelion, so often overlooked,
Yet in your simplicity, such beauty is unhooked.
A sprinkle of gold against a sea of green,
A sight so enchanting, in nature's serene.

Your delicate petals, they dance in the breeze,
A gentle reminder of life's fleeting ease.
From bud to bloom, your transformation's grand,
A testament to resilience, in life's demanding hand.

Oh dandelion, with your feathery crown,
You bring joy to many, as you scatter around.
A symbol of wishes, in childhood's sweet lore,
A simple pleasure, we can't help but adore.

So here's to the dandelion, so often misunderstood,
A symbol of hope, in a world that's often misunderstood.
May we embrace your beauty, and see the value you hold,
For in your quiet presence, lies a story untold.

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