Land Back

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Land back, land back
A fierce and powerful cry
For justice, for truth
For the healing of the earth and sky

Generations of pain
History written in blood
Lies and deceit
But our voices can no longer be muted

The land is not just a commodity
It's a sacred gift, a home
It's time to reclaim what was stolen
And make our ancestors' spirits known

Assertive and strong
We stand together, hand in hand
Demanding what is rightfully ours
With the power to reclaim our land

The time for change is now
The time for healing is near
Land back, land back
We will not live in fear.

For our children and their children
For the earth and all living things
We assert our right to the land
And the freedom that it brings.

Land back, land back
A revolution in motion
As we reclaim our sovereignty
And honor our ancestors' devotion.

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