Chapter 84: Dog Sledding

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Grandfather JIang's medicinal wine was finished, so Chu Xia went to the herbal medicine shop to buy traditional Chinese medicine, along with some ingredients for dietary therapy.

Cen Zhengnian's stomach was in good condition, and he rarely fell ill recently. However, due to the high energy consumption of his work, Chu Xia often bought meat, pork ribs, eggs, and even subscribed to milk for him to consume daily.

Of course, she and Cen Huai'an also enjoyed these meals.

Eating well, Cen Huai'an's face also gained some flesh, and he didn't look as thin as before.

Now, in the family compound, there were many children who wanted to play with him because he had two imposing big dogs.

As long as Cen Huai'an walked the dogs outside, a group of children would surround them. Some mischievous kids even wanted to climb onto the dogs and ride them.

However, they couldn't control the dogs. As soon as they touched Huangzi or Heizi, the dogs would immediately shake their bodies and run away.

The traditional Chinese medicine shop Chu Xia visited was quite large, offering a wide range of medicinal herbs. She had explored several stores before finding this one.

Because she came regularly to buy traditional Chinese medicine, some of the store clerks remembered Chu Xia. They knew she understood medicinal herbs and would chat with her.

"We've recently received a batch of excellent medicinal herbs dug from the mountains. Would you like to take a look?"

The shop accepted various medicinal herbs, and some people would specifically dig things in the deep mountains and bring them to sell here, where the prices were fair.

"I'll take a look."

Chu Xia liked wild herbs with long growth periods. She had previously bought a 50-year-old wild ginseng from this store.

There were even older herbs in the store, but the top-quality ones were quite expensive, and Chu Xia didn't have that much money. Today, the herbs the clerk mentioned seemed excellent, but they didn't have what she needed, so she didn't make a purchase.

After buying the herbs, as Chu Xia was about to leave the traditional Chinese medicine shop, she looked up and saw Luo Peng entering with a piece of paper.


Chu Xia called her, and Luo Peng looked up, a hint of panic in her eyes. She instinctively tried to put the paper behind her back.

However, she quickly realized that her reaction was a bit exaggerated. Blinking, she concealed the panic in her eyes and smoothly folded the paper, putting it into her pocket.

"Chu Xia, what are you doing here?"

Luo Peng was also surprised. This was a traditional Chinese medicine shop, and only those who were ill would come here to buy medicinal herbs. But then she thought of Chu Xia's profession, and it seemed reasonable for her to be here.

"Is it that your profession requires buying medicinal herbs?"

Chu Xia showed the herbs she was holding to Luo Peng. "No, I'm buying herbs to make medicinal wine for my grandfather."

She didn't ask Luo Peng why she was here. Chu Xia had examined her pulse and knew the condition of Luo Peng's body.

Luo Peng tucked her hair back and smiled gently at Chu Xia. "Thank you for advising me on how to regulate my body that day. I went to see a doctor and felt much better. Today, I'm here to get the prescribed medicine."

Transmigrated to a Period Novel as the Genius Antagonist's Birth MotherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum