and now I can see it

Comenzar desde el principio

Jay gulped, "I'm a free man!"

"Geez, Jay... I know you are." I sighed, checking my phone. "And I am a busy woman. Find someone else."

Oscar: What is the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber?

Not me expecting a loving message from my boyfriend but instead getting a weird question.

Oscar: Why do you not love me?
NY: I do.
Oscar: Ok

"I know that look!" Jay interjected, knocking hips with me. "That look is the look women have when they get an unfulfilling message from their lover!"

I wondered how he got specifically right, and Jay asked me: Who is it?
I did not answer.

"How's the kid?"

"What kid?"

"Oscar. Oscar the kid."

"He's not a kid."

Jay raised his eyebrows. "Good gracious, woman! You and him.... Had sex, didn't you? Recently!"

"What?" I asked as Jay threw his head back and laughed. "How did you end up with that conclusion?"

He winked at me. "You're defending him and you're all, Oh! He's not a kid! So obvious something changed between you both. You used to call him a kid. I bet you two broke the bed! So... how was it?"

"I am not having this conversation with you."

"Fine. Don't. Go to court for me."

"Don't you have other friends to ask?"

"Yes, but no one would know the judge's preference. Am I supposed to wear a blue suit or a black blazer?" He lifted his two hands, mimicking himself weighing his options. "So hard finding something to match this... face. And hair."

"I agree. Your face and hair are an abomination."

"A killer of the crowd, they call me!" Jay exclaimed and I shook my head. "Come to court with me!"

"I have a meeting," I countered. He pouted at me, and I caved. "Give me an hour then."

After an hour of a meeting I hardly listened to, I saw Jay sitting at the same place I left him at the café. I tapped on his shoulder, and he looked up, showing me his screen.

"Look, it's Dispatch," he said.

Dispatch was some Korean media outlet that focused on paparazzi activities – news of idols dating, scandals, etc. I leaned closer and saw that they had posted an article an hour ago of Jay grabbing my arm.

The title was: Jay the Model and Lawyer, Rekindling Their Romance?

"Really?" I asked, flabbergasted. "We had none to start off with!"

"What can I say?" he asked casually as I took a seat. "People are obsessed with me! Besides, you know better than to worry."

I knew Jay enough to know he would be able to counter the rumors if they got out of hand.

He was typing down on his phone and he poked me.

"Does this sound good?" Jay asked, shoving his screen into my friend. "I am not dating my lawyer! I can befriend who I want!"

"Are you... tweeting that or?"

"Yes. Also posting on Weibo. A Chinese platform. A lot of my fans are Chinese." Jay paused and I assumed he was tweeting. "I put Lawyer in capital letters. Oh... I thought I'd get a lot of supporting messages. Seems like you're getting a lot of hate."

All That I Know: a story on love and dreamsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora