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Dream Man

By: Lucius

In realms beyond appearances, status aside,
I seek a soul ablaze with dreams, a heart open wide.
Not swayed by triviality, nor burdened by airs,
A balance of mirth and depth, a soul that truly cares.

A listener when tears descend, a shelter in the storm,
A sculptor of laughter, in joy our spirits will transform.
Patience and kindness woven in his core,
With unwavering determination, he'll embark on life's grand tour.

A canvas for my dreams, together we'll paint the skies,
Two souls entwined, as our aspirations arise.
Not just my love alone, but my parents will see,
A man whose essence resonates, as radiant as the sea.

For looks may fade like fleeting stars,
Yet the constancy of character leaves love's memoirs.
In the tapestry of time, my dream man I shall find,
A partner, a confidant, forever intertwined.

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