•CHAPTER 2- The Proposal•

Start from the beginning

Y/F: Huhh??

Mr.Kim: I-I am just asking you. Y/N is a perfect match for Taehyung. 

Y/F(Looks at Y/M and Sighs): I know Taehyung is a Good Boy, he can take care of Y/N but-

Mr.Kim: but?

Y/F: It only depends upon Y/N. Yesterday Y/N said she doesn't wanna marry anybody. she says that if she marries someone then she will be caged.

Mr.Kim: but Taehyung is not like that. After marriage, Y/N will have full freedom to do whatever she wants. She can continue with her career. Nobody will stop her.

Y/F: Yes I know. but who will tell her? She thinks that after marriage she won't have freedom.

Mr.Kim: It's okay, but you have to change her mindset.

Y/F: Hmm....but we need time to think about this matter. and after all, we need Y/N's approval for this.

Mr.Kim: Yeah, See this is completely your choice. I won't force you. If you want you can even deny this marriage

Y/F: There's nothing like saying no to a perfect man for my daughter.

Mr.Kim: but yeah I am already telling you  Taehyung still can't forget his Ex . and because that GIRL CHEATED ON HIM he doesn't believe in Love anymore!

Y/F: It's okay, if we get Taehyung's agreement for this marriage, then we both will tell Y/N and Taehyung to meet each other. and after marriage, both of them will sort out their things.... and with time both Y/N and Taehyung will accept each other.

Mr.Kim: okay so deal

Y/F: Deal


Y/N: Somi look at this flower.

Somi: Woww it's so pretty!!

Somi: Woww it's so pretty!!

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Lia: Yeah, Wait there are more flowers like this. Let's Go!

Both Y/N and Somi followed Lia. As they were walking through their garden Somi was admiring the flowers and beauty of the garden.

 As they were walking through their garden Somi was admiring the flowers and beauty of the garden

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Somi: OMG there are so many beautiful flowers. 

their attention diverted towards a beautiful butterfly that just sat on a flower.

their attention diverted towards a beautiful butterfly that just sat on a flower

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Somi: Woww that butterfly is so beautiful.

Y/N: Yeah you know there are so many butterflies like this here because of the flowers.

Somi made an 'O' shape after hearing Y/N.

Somi: by the way tell me whose Ideas are these??

Lia: Of course, it's Unnie's Ideas

Somi: Y/N your ideas are really amazing.

Lia: and next month she is gonna be the CEO of our company.

Somi: Oo wow... Of course, you deserve this Ynie.

Y/N(Smile): Thanks <3

Lia: By the way Somi where is your brother?

Somi: ahh actually Oppa is always busy with his work...(sad pout)

Lia: Oo

Y/N: It's been so long since we met Taehyung...

Somi: Actually Oppa was in a relationship in London... but that girl cheated on him badly.... just used him and his money..and after that, he returned to Korea he thinks that work can divert his mind and so he always overworks... both Eomma and Appa are tired of telling him that overworking isn't good but he doesn't listen. But I can understand how hard it is for Oppa to bear this pain (sighs)

Lia: but what he is doing isn't even good.

Somi: Yeah.

Y/N: I feel bad for him.... how can someone be so characterless??

Somi: Exactly 

the girls were busy chit-chatting but they got interrupted when Mr.Kim and Y/F came out...

Mr.Kim: Somi shall we leave?

Somi(sad pout): I wanna stay here for some more time...

Mr.Kim: It's okay.. we will come again. For now, let's go ... your uncle wants to talk about something with your Unnie....

Somi understood and agreed to leave with Mr.Kim

Somi: Ok Y/N, Lia ... I'll see you next time. Byee!!

Y/N & Lia: Byeee(wave their hands)

Time Skip: Evening

Y/F was looking for a perfect opportunity to talk to his daughter about her marriage

Y/F and Y/M were sitting in the living room when Lia came

Lia: Appa Eomma Yeji is calling me at a cafe. Can I go?

Y/M: OK but come on time.

Lia: Yeah byee..

and with that, she left...

Y/F saw Y/N coming and thought that this was the perfect opportunity for him to talk to his daughter...

Y/M: Y/N Come here. sit with us.

Y/N came and sat beside her mother.

Y/F: Y/N we want to talk to you about something.

Y/N: Yes Appa?

Y/F: ahh actually the thing is .....(he was hesitating to say further)

Y/N(Holds his hand): Appa don't hesitate and say whatever you want to say...

Y/N: Actually Y/N today Kim came here to talk about something.

Y/N: About what??

Y/F: Ahh actually .........(looks and Y/M and tries his best to speak further) He wants Taehyung to get married to you.....



Will Y/N agree to this marriage??


Stay Tuned :)

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