whos yalls main in total roblox drama

262 3 25

^ mines mike with the manitoba skin


Noah: y'know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Izzy, drinking toast: why do you say that?

Leshawna: alright, is 'the codemeister' here?
Cody: *raises hand*
Leshawna: ah, didn't recognize you with the hat on.
Leshawna: okay, and is 'the queen bee' here?
Heather: *raises hand*
Leshawna: ah, didn't recognize you with your mouth shut.

*mike and zoey texting*

Zoey: <3
Mike: >3
Mike: wait how do i turn the 3
Zoey: < + 3 = <3
Mike: wait i think i got it
Mike: Ɛ>
Zoey: how the-

Owen, watching the news: someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Izzy, walking through the front door covered in ink: well maybe the squid was being a dick.

Ripper: okay, but if you're not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I'm your boyfriend?
Chase: dude- it's satire!

Cody: so you like cats?
Gwen: yeah.
Cody, not breaking eye contact: *slowly pushes a vase off the table*

Izzy: so the kitchen got set on fire earlier and everyone's panicking and owen yells "WHAT DO WE DO"
Izzy: then noah goes "use my body to put it out, i dont need it anyways."
Izzy: SO I-

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