Chapter 24: Logan Kenway VS Damian Priest!

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Tonight is the next member of the Judgement Day's turn to step up and challenge Logan for his WWE title but before he defends it in front of this sold out crowd, he and Ashley are talking to Hunter and Steph about what they learned the other day at the doctor's.

Stephanie: Well, you weren't on a story or anything so this isn't an issue.

Ashley was a little worried going into this meeting because they just called them the other day and said about Ashley coming back till she finds out she's pregnant but when she did, Hunter didn't have anything for her on RAW so she would have went over to Smackdown, at least this way one won't be on one show and the other on the other show.

Hunter: Yeah, this doesn't change anything. Except us trying to fit you into the shows, so this actually makes our job easier.

Steph and Hunter are the first two they've told their doing this to get a baby instead of the traditional way, Logan actually did a little research about it and apparently you can even pick and choose the gender of the baby, that's crazy but they get some real info about it from their doctor this weekend, their not getting their hopes up for anything. 

Logan: See, easy.

Ashley was really worried that she messed up their plans or something but Logan tried to tell her that you can't mess up plans that don't exist, Ashley hasn't quite been herself lately though, all this trouble with not being able to have a baby and her father getting back into wrestling is piling on top of her, Logan knows that it's no one's fault, it's just one of those things.

Ashley: Okay, sorry. It's been a crazy few weeks.

Hunter and Steph waved it off, they know about the struggles their having right now since they started trying for a baby, people think it's an easy thing but it's not, when you mentally convince yourself that your ready, then it doesn't happen or work, it can really play on your mind and that's what Ashley's been going through these past couple of days, Logan however seems to be a little more level headed, just like she needs him to be right now.

Stephanie: It's fine, we understand what it's like trying for a baby. So, what exactly are they going to do?

It's not a very common procedure to go through, sure it's been around for a couple of years now but that doesn't mean everyone knows about it, so Logan and Ashley told them everything they know about it, the doctor will take Ashley's eggs, Logan's swimmers and combine the two, then put the hopefully fertilized egg back in Ashley's womb and boom, they'll be a mommy and daddy by this time next year.

Hunter: Really? Oh wow! Will it hurt?

Stephanie seemed to understand the gist of it all, as another women she actually listened to those lessons in school, Hunter and Logan didn't, not really so Hunter was a lot more surprised to hear that then his wife is.

Ashley: A little discomfort is normal but it should be painless.

They know about as much as the internet does right now, they will know more when they get to talk to their doctor this weekend, it's going to be a long week, their in Memphis right now which is pretty convenient since their moving from Charlotte in a couple of days down to Orlando, so their going to be in Memphis then go to Charlotte, then move to Orlando all in a few days time, it's going to be a rough week for them, that's for sure.

Hunter: Okay well, good luck. And you need to get ready for tonight.

Logan nodded as he and Ashley got set to leave the office, Ashley's going to be waiting around with a few friends while Logan kicked butt in the Main Event, no one will tell them the end result of the match-up tonight, no one things Logan will lose that title but the Judgement Day have been known to sneak a victory, so he's back into a corner for this one, not that Finn isn't a challenge for Logan but Priest is just something else, someone Logan's never faced before, it's not going to be easy.

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