Chapter 23: An Up & Down Day!

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Logan and Ashley are getting ready to make the move, they have everything already sorted, the keys in hand, the truck rented to take them to Orlando, everything is all sorted and ready to go, they still have a little while till the move though, Logan didn't really want to move on the weekend then go and face Damian Priest for the WWE title on Monday, see because today's Friday, their packing today then tomorrow they have an appointment to go to, their doctor wants to see them as soon as possible, of course that's got them both a little nervous but their adults and can deal with whatever get's thrown at them, together.

Ashley: This feels strange...

Logan looked up to Ashley as they are packing up the living room stuff, only the things they aren't using, next week, Wednesday they have their friends coming by to help out with the move, that's how lucky they are, their friends are willing to come to Charlotte North Carolina to help them move to Orlando Florida.

Ashley: ... We've lived here for years. I don't want to lose the memories.

She said with a cute pout and smile, Logan chuckled as he didn't either but there's not much point in them living her no more, his family's moving to Florida to retire and Ashley's had enough with her father, her siblings live closure to Florida then they do to them now, then there's all their friends, it just makes more sense.

Logan: We won't forget them. We'll just be making new ones somewhere else to add to the old ones we made here.

Ashley smiled to him, she loves how positive he is now, other then that panic a little while ago about them having a baby thing, he's been her light in the tunnel, it's kind of worked out perfectly though, when he's been worrying or panicking about something, Ashley's been cool minded but when she's been worrying or panicking, Logan's been the level headed one.

Ashley: Maybe we could add to the memories...

Logan taped up the box he was packing as Milo sat and watched them on the couch, he knew their moving, well, he probably didn't but he'll love the new place, the back yard is massive, plus they've talked about getting him a friend as well as a baby, things are going to be busy for them in the next few months, however, none of that mattered because Logan looked to Ashley and saw the little smile on her face as she toyed with something in her hands.

Ashley: ... You know? For old time's sake.

Logan knew what she was talking about and didn't need much convincing, he just nodded to her, making his wife smile then take his hand and lead the way back upstairs to their bedroom, Milo just huffed as he went to fall back to sleep, this has been a recurring thing for him these past couple weeks now, he's used to seeing his mommy and daddy disappear up stairs, as soon as they made it into their soon to be former bedroom, Ashley tried to spin them around so Logan fell to the bed on his back but Logan was quicker and pushed her down first, making him be on top.

Logan: You know what will be funny? If we ruin the bed before we leave.

Ashley chuckled to him as his hand slowly roamed down to her thigh, she pulled him into a kiss as they got to work trying to build their family more and more, sure they love Milo and their family's but they need this, they need this so badly right now...


Today is a nerve racking day for Logan and Ashley because they've been called to their doctor for a "As soon as possible" appointment, those can never really be good, although their both trying to keep positive thoughts, while trying to get this over with as soon as they can, which is why they got dressed pretty quickly and got into the car with Logan driving, Ashley was too nervous to drive, she wouldn't say it but Logan can tell.

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