Chpt. 1: Pills

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"This is stupid."

Paintbrush hated this. They sat in a pitifully made plastic chair in a makeshift waiting room. Tapping their leg up and down anxiously. Beside them were more plastic chairs. The floor was tiled and grimy, like it had never been cleaned. But no matter how much Testtube tried, the room still looked more like a laboratory than a 'comforting' waiting room.

But it wasn't the room that was making them so anxious. In fact, that's why they were here in the first place.

Ever since Paintbrush got back from Inanimate Insanity season three, they haven't felt the same. They just felt uncomfortable all the time now. They felt out of place. Maybe they were just missing the earlier seasons. Or maybe something was wrong with them.

Eitherway, they hated feeling this way. So they asked Testtube what they should do. She immediately said that she could fix them, they just had to go to her not-so-secret lab. And that's where they were, waiting.

From the hall infront them, they could here their name being called.

They rolled their eyes, "I'm comin', I'm comin'."

As they walked through the halls, hands in pockets, they took in the almost baren walls. There were only a few pictures hung up. They were very abstract, but organized quite neatly in the hall. Paintbrush liked that.

Eventually, they made it to the room Testtube stood in. She had a smile plastered on her face. She seemed almost eerily happy.

"I'm here." They spoke in a monotone voice, knocking slightly on the door frame.

Testtube jumped a bit. "O-oh! Golly, you s-started me." They both chuckled before she asked them to take a seat.

The room was even blander than the hall. The walls were white with nothing on them. There was nothing in the room but two chairs facing eachother. 'Creepy' Paintbrush thought to themself.

"Okay," Testtube started. Holding her pen to a sketchpad to take notes, "so, what's been going on with you exactly?"

They sighed, "I already told you, I've been feeling like shit for the past few months." They gripped their pants at their knees.

"Since you got back from Inanimate Insanity, right?" She asked.

"Yes. I've been anxious, depressed, socially awkward, and... I've started to have thoughts of... ending... it..." they began to whisper, embarrassed to admit it that to their friend.

Testtube crossed her legs, "hmm... I see..." she began to write something down, "I know exactly what you need, don't worry!" She said with a smile.

She then pulled something from under her chair. Paintbrush didn't even realize that was there. It was a little bag with a few blue and white pills in it. Shady.

"Just take one of those in the morning and before you go to bed."

They took the bag and inspected it. "Are you sure...?"

Testtube looked at them, a bit hurt that they didn't trust her. "Take one now."

They looked back at the bag, then to Testtube. "Okay..." they said, unsure.

" they said, unsure

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