The meetup

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Kian was the earliest, eager to meet his friends.. Eva came next

"Hey Kian!" Eva had snuck up behind him and scared him
"you scared me!" Kian jumped

He laughed and so did Eva, seeing Eva in real life was amazing, she was so pretty and had gotten a beautiful haircut since they'd last FaceTimed

"sorry!!" Eva smiled
"it's okay, where's Rosie?" Kian asked
God her smile was gorgeous, her lips so kissable her eyes
as blue as the ocean
As green as emerald
As bright as the sun
"She said she'd be running late" Kian replied
"okay, what do you want to do?" Eva asked
"This" Kian said, bringing the courage and kissed Eva, it was passionate but soft, Eva quickly kissed him back, going very red

Rosie was watching from afar, she knew it would happen sometime but she couldn't help but feel jealous, she liked Eva.. more than she should and she tried her hardest to get over her, I mean she had a girlfriend for gods sake, she shouldn't feel this way but she couldn't help it but she carried on watching...

"I've always wanted to do that" Kian said quietly
"You seriously like me?" Eva asked
"That wasn't obvious?" Kian joked
"Well.. no" Eva said, she was blushing like crazy

At this point Rosie decided to go home, she was feeling upset about it

"Im glad you like me, I thought it would make it weird" Eva said
"Yeah me to, where's Rosie?" Kian asked
"I'll message her" Eva said taking out her phone and messaging Rosie

Hey! You okay? Where are you?

I'm okay, just busy

Oh, will you be here soon?

I'm not coming

Oh Why?
opened 5 minutes ago

"She's not coming" Eva said a little upset
"Oh? Why" Kian asked, he also didn't really care, he got to be alone with Eva...
"She didn't say" Eva replied

Rosie was at home alone, just staring at the ceiling of her bedroom feeling lonely
She didn't know how she should be feeling, she didn't want to get in the way of Kian and Eva but she also so badly did.. she didn't know what to do, she stopped replying to people

Meanwhile Kian and Eva were having loads of fun (NOTHING SEXUAL GET YOUR MIND OUT THE GUTTER) eventually they had to go home

"Bye! I had fun today" Eva smiled
"Bye" Kian said, he couldn't believe what had just happened, was this a dream?

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