The power of dreams

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Lucy had always been haunted by a difficult past, her life was a series of painful experiences and events. She was bullied throughout her school time, she had to deal with a lot of insecurity's, had to face a battle with cancer all that has left a lot of pain. Every day at school felt like a never-ending nightmare. Living is like hell for her. She hasn't got many friends to turn to except for Jessica, her one true friend. Their bond was unbreakable. The tragic irony was that Jessica's family and Lucy's own despised each other.

Jessica, a caring, friendly, and supportive friend, had been there for Lucy through thick and thin. She'd help Lucy with her schoolwork, offer her a shoulder to cry on and made life funnier and less boring.

It started as a usual night, but then Lucy noticed a shadow lurking outside her window, but she couldn't see who it was. Panic set in as she realized an intruder was breaking into her home. Unfortunately, she was home alone this night because her parents went on holidays. Desperate and paranoid, she grabbed her phone and dialled 911. In the next moment she remembered her a knife she had hidden under her bed for self-defence. The intruder came closer and closer to her room, she held the knife tighter when she saw those sharp, ice-blue eyes trough the keyhole. She held her breath, a shiver ran down her spine. In shock and fear, she could only wait for the police to arrive.

As the sirens blared, Damion fled, disappearing into the night. The police found no one when they arrived. There were no traces. Absolutely nothing. This left Lucy feeling uncertain and unsafe in her own home. She didn't know what to do next so she called the one person she could trust blindly. Jessica.

As soon as she could she drove to Lucy's home and helps her to cope with the terrifying situation. Lucy has the fear that it could have been the killer and she would be the next victim. This is not far-fetched. Their town was plagued by a series of unsolved homicides, and the two friends couldn't help but wonder if this intruder was somehow connected. Days went by and the police hasn't come up with a suspect or a lead to the case. This had to end so Lucy and Jessica decided that they are trying to solve the mystery alone.

Night after night, they spent their free time into the case, growing more paranoid and obsessed with solving the mystery. They attended school less frequently, so they had to face consequences that threatened their academic success.

They were forced to limit their time on the case and focus more on school again. Nevertheless, they never gave up, but went to school more often.

Then sitting in school. The unexpected happened and the case took a turn when the teacher announced a new student. As Damion entered the classroom, Lucy locked eyes with him, recognizing those ice-blue eyes. Her mind raced as she remembered the intruder from the other night. She leaned over and whispered to Jessica, her voice trembling, "It's him. Damion is the one. The intruder."

The class finally ended, and the girls decided to follow the new suspect named Damion. But as they chased him, they suddenly lost sight of him and he seemed to vanish without a trace. There was no other way they had to split up and continue the search for him. They stayed in touch via phone to give each other updates. But as time passed, Lucy's phone battery died and left her in a state of panic. She decided to rush home to charge her phone, hoping to hear any news from Jessica or to continue their search.

As she charged her phone there was a knock on the door. She looked outside her window that were she had sight to the driveway. Lucy saw police officers outside and ran down the stairs hoping to hear good news. But instead. Devastating news. It was about Jessica. She had been found. Dead.

Lucy's world crumbled and she was overwhelmed by grief and guilt. She cried for hours non-stop. In the next moment Lucy awakened in her bed. It was 6 am and she had to get ready for school. She took a look in the mirror and realized that it was all a dream and wiped her remaining tears away. Still mentally drained, she was thrilled to tell Jessica about this crazy dream of hers.

The two girls met up before class and Lucy started to begin telling her nightmare. Jessica was eager to hear the story, but their conversation was cut short by the school bell. Determined to finish, Lucy continued. As she described the events, another figure entered the room, a newcomer who caught her eye. Shocked and unable to believe her eyes, Lucy looked him in the eyes. Jessica wasn't aware of Lucy's reaction and casually commented on the new student's good looks. Lucy, however, was still fixated on Damion's ice-blue eyes. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen those eyes before. Then suddenly she knows.

She whispers to Jessica, her voice trembling with fear, "I swear I've seen those eyes before... Jessica, he's the suspected killer from my dream. He's the one who killed you. It's Damion."

Jessica looked at her in confusion and shock, but she said nothing, she was speechless. The teacher asked the class to be quiet and pointed out the guy standing next to her. All eyes were on him. He started introducing himself: "Hi everybody, my name is Damion O'Brien and I'll be joining this class". Jessica and Lucy stared at each other in disbelief. Was this after all really just a dream?

Thank you for reading this story <3
If you have any recommendations to improve my skills please let me know and if there are any mistakes (English is not my mother tongue).
Feel free to comment :)
This is my first story that I wrote ever by myself, so this means really a lot to me.
It isn't long, but it is a start ;)
I'll keep going and try to extend the length of my story's from story to story and try different genres. I'll be happy if you would subscribe me and follow my path. :)
Best wishes - Leni <3

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