Thirteen- New student

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"That was just plain evil Cyno smith" He smirked at my sentence and got off his bike taking my helmet. Waking up in his house this morning was obviously weird but I wasn't near my bastard of a dad and my good for nothing mom


My mom and I used to be so close, I knew she wasn't happy about me getting with Cyno but I didn't think she was that pissed off.

Cyno grabbed my hand as we walked up the school entrance where Tighnari and Layla were waiting for us. It's clear they hadn't seen us yet. "Hey Tighnari-" I pulled Cyno behind a wall and shook my head. He gave me a confused look and I just pointed to our friends

He turned his head and his jaw practically fell to the floor once he saw what I was seeing

Tighnari was leaning against a pillar while holding Layla's hand as he twirled her. They both laughed ignoring all the stare's from everyone walking into school

"He never told me he was dating layla!" Cyno said very offended, which I found funny. "That's because they aren't" He grabbed my hand and started walking up to them. "Let's change that then" He smirked as he walked behind Layla and lightly shoved her making her fall onto Tighnari's chest.

He wrapped his arms around her to catch her and both were blushing like crazy. Me and Cyno laughed as they pulled away from each other

"Why'd you two pull away?" Faruzan whined as she walked up with Kaveh and Alaitham. "Yeah! That was adorable" Kaveh agreed. "Nice one Cyno" Alaitham laughed

"What the hell Cyno!?"

"What the hell Nilou!?"

They both said at the same time. Everyone laughed. "S-sorry about that...." Layla said, playing with her hair. "It's fine, dont worry about it" Cyno kissed me on the cheek before walking with the guys into the building

Me and Faruzan hugged Layla and laughed as we followed.

After a few classes and lunch it was time for my favorite class. Well the subject I hated but it was the one class that me and Cyno had together along with our friends.

And since the teacher was an old friend of my mom we could sit next to each other. "Good morning class" Our teacher said as she opened the door. "I have some exciting news!" Everyone looked towards the door, my blood ran cold when he entered

"Please welcome our new student, Scaramouche"



I was sitting in the bleachers with Tighnari and Layla waiting for Nilou to finish cheer practice. Considering last night's events she was going to be living at my house for a few weeks.

"I've known the mayor for years....I never thought he could do that to Nilou" Layla said as she clung to Tighnaris arm.

Honestly those two need to start dating

I sighed and looked back at Nilou who was yelling out commands to her squad. I didn't realize until now that she had a lot going on. She was captain of the dance team and cheer squad, she always had to meet certain expectations being the town's girl and all that shit, and finally she was the top student in our school.

I don't think she's ever gotten anything lower than a B. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Tighnari tapped me on the shoulder. "Come meet me and Layla at our usual restaurant after she's done" I nodded and the two of them headed off.

"Ok everyone one more time then that's it for today" Nilou said as the squad was getting water. "Nilou!" Collei walked up to her.

Collei was Tighnaris younger sister, she wasn't in the mafia since Tighnari didn't want that kind of life for her which I understood.

"Tighnari told me you and Cyno are dating! Is it true?" I didn't expect her to ask that. Tighnari really can't keep a damn secret to save his sorry-

"It's true, Kaveh told me a few days ago" Fishle walked up behind Collei. Apparently Tighnari and Kaveh can't keep a secret. Fishle was Kavehs younger sister, I had no idea both of them were on the cheer squad since I've been paying attention to Nilou this whole time

"U-uh well" now the whole squad was looking at her. She looked back at me with a questioning face. Since our small little fight we hadn't been seen at school so it made people wonder if we were still together or not.

I smiled and nodded, wanting people to know we were still together. "Yea, we are" The squad laughed and hugged Nilou probably saying congratulations and some other stuff

"I'm surprised people are so supportive of you and her" I sighed and stood up looking over at the person I hated most in this town. "It's honestly disgusting" Scaramouche said with a small laugh

"What the hell do you want? I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit right now"

He rolled his eyes and looked down at Nilou. "Let me ask you something, do you really expect this relationship to last? Your in line to be the head of a mafia she's little miss perfect who does everything daddy tells her"

As much as I hate to admit this, he was half way right. I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't follow through with my mission but I have yet to tell my parents that.

"Why are you asking me this now? If you think you can steal my girlfriend your dead fucking wrong" He chuckled and turned to walk away

"I'm just trying to warn you my friend"

Warn me? What the fuck is this guy talking about?

He walked away and a few minutes later I saw Nilou head to the locker room.


Practice was great today, but now I'm exhausted. I opened my locker and was about to change out of my uniform when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. "You should leave the uniform on" I giggled at Cyno's comment and kissed his cheek as I closed my locker and turned around

"Really and why should I?" I teased my hands playing with his hair. "This is why" He picked me up and shoved me against the lockers.

Oh god.... 

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