Seven- Mr and Mrs mafia

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I was hella nervous right now. Layla was helping me pick out an outfit for the dinner tonight and I swear on my life my closet has never looked so dull

"Nilou you have a lot of really pretty dresses. Finding one shouldnt be a problem" I knew she meant well but we both knew the dresses I owned were to short

"Where is Faruzan!? She said she had the 'perfect dress" I groaned as I fell on my bed. Layla laughed a little and thank god at that second Faruzan practically broke down the damn door

"Finally!" I stood up and almost tackled her but layla held me back. "Chill Nilou, do you want the dress or not?" Faruzan asked holding up a blue bag with the handles tied with a clear blue ribbon

"Let me see!


"For the last time mom! You don't have to act all nice. Just do what you have to for the mission and-"

"No! I don't care what's good for the seem more happy and willing lately and I want to thank that girl for that"

"You know candace is down the hall, maybe try helping her with her fucked up love life" My mom sighed and left my room. Honestly I shouldn't have said that to her because the truth was-

"CYNO" My sister shouted from her room making me get up and go see what she wanted. "What the fuck do you-"

I slammed the door shut and almost threw up and at the sight I just witnessed. "Open the damn door! She's gone"

I open the door and enter her room. "What the hell were you thinking!? You promised to never mention my love life to mom because every time you do she barges in her and starts a speech"

"I don't see what the problem is" I shrugged my shoulders acting like an idiot because I fully knew what the problem was. Candace didn't have a fucked up love life, in fact she's been in a relationship with someone since she was sixteen. You don't want to know what I walked into the day I found that out

"Well, maybe you should tell Deyha to be more careful. You know dad isn't the biggest fan of her and if mom knew you were lesbian she would literally have your head on a stick" She rolled her eyes at me and sighed

"Please can you just not say anything? I know I've been asking you for years to keep your mouth shut but I really need you to this time because ...."

"Because? Hurry this up Nilou is going to be here soon and I don't want dad talking to her without me in the room"

"Cyno, me and Deyha were thinking about-"

"Honey! Nilou's here" I heard my mom shout from downstairs. I rushed out of my sister's room and down the stairs. To find my mom and Nilou laughing together

"Son, I thought I told you to never keep a women waiting" My dad sighed in fake disappointment as he walked over to my mom and Nilou

That bastard

Sure he may act all nice for this dinner and sure Nilou may buy it but I know what he's really like....

"Leave him alone dad!" Eleven year old Candace yelled as Mr Smith kept throwing beer bottles at a seven year old Cyno. "He didn't do anything! The only reason the money got away was because of me!" Mrs Smith held Candace back as she cried for her dad to stop. But he didn't.

"Shut the fuck up Candace! Your brother needs to be punished" Mrs Smith took Candace out of the room and shut the door locking it. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again I promise!" Cyno screamed while tears ran down his cheeks as glass shards cut his skin

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