Four- I don't like you but.....

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"What do you want, Candace?" I asked as I was getting on my motorcycle when all of the sudden Candace came running. "I need to ask you something"

This should be fun

"Hurry up, I have a mission before school" I honestly didn't care about making it to school on time. I was really just looking forward to messing with Nilou.

"Do you like that girl?" I tensed but shook my head. "Why would I? There's no point in liking someone who's going to be dead in a few months"

It's fun messing with Nilou, sure but liking her is out of the question. My only goal is to kill her and her family and steal their money. So my dad can rule over the town....

"Cyno don't lie to yourself. It's not the end of the world if you have feelings for her." My sister said with a soft smile. God I hate it when she's like this.

"Did the guys put you up to this?"

"No it's nothing like that. Im telling you as your older sister it's ok to be normal"

But we aren't normal. And we never will be

"Fuck off Candace" I turned my bike on and rode away leaving her standing there. I felt bad but it didn't matter. I had business to attend to


I curse under my breath as I hear footsteps approaching behind me. I turn my head to see the worst jackass on earth


"I'm surprised you showed up" He smirked as he walked up to me. "I couldn't refuse your lovely invitation" I say as I open my duffle back and throw a detached arm on the ground. "The best gift I've received all year"

He chuckles and picks up the arm. "You really should send better men to infiltrate us, this guy didn't last for more then ten seconds"

Scaramouche was part of an underground rival mafia, his mafia was less known than ours yet they still caused us all sorts of trouble

"State what you called me out here for so I can be on my way. I got better things to do"

"Like Nilou rose?"

What the fuck?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I try to act calm but it's clear he got me He laughs and smirks. "You really didn't think I would find out? You two are the talk of the town! 'Mayors daughter goes for mafia bad boy' It's all anyones talking about"

Even if that was true it doesn't bother me. In fact it probably benefits my mission. "If I'm wrong feel free to correct me but" He steps closer and I feel a sharp pain shoot through my lower stomach. "If I'm wrong then that means she's mine



The amount of Makeup I had to put on this morning was insane! All thanks to the number of hickeys Cyno gave me. I sigh as I close my locker and was about to go to my last class of the day when I saw Cyno enter the building. Of course he only shows up for one class. I was going to walk away when I heard a sound. I turned out to see he had fallen and was groaning in pain. "Cyno!" I drop my books and rush over to him. I turned his body around and saw that he had been stabbed. "How the hell did this happen!?" He doesn't answer and sits up.

"Im fine...d-don't worry" He is the worst liar I've ever met. I force him to stand up and lean on me for support while I take him into an empty classroom. I set him on a desk and got through the teachers desk to find a first aid kit. I'm not great with medical stuff but I can treat a stab wound.

After a few minutes I started to clean the wound when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" Cyno looked at me confused. Tighnari entered the room along with Kaveh and Alaitham. "What are you guys-" I gasped as Tighnari slapped Cyno across the face.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? We all said not to meet Scaramouche alone because he's always armed with weapons and always has back up on the way! You are damn fucking lucky you only got stabbed and a few bruises! You could've been killed!"

Tighnari kept shouting at Cyno while I walked over to Kaveh who was clinging to Alaitham looking like he was about to cry

"Thank you Nilou for taking care of him ... .not sure he deserves it however" Alaitham said, rubbing Kavehs back. "If I may ask....why is Tighnari so mad?" Kavhe and Alaithm looked at each other and sighed

"Cyno has a habit of getting into reckless situations without thinking ahead. Sometimes that's a good thing but most of the time it ends in him getting injured. We try to be there for him as much as we can but we all get so many missions it's become more difficult. His family puts so much pressure on him to be better than his sister and become head of the mafia that he sometimes forgets to take a break and care for himself" Kaveh said, letting a tear fall.

Alaitham hugged him and sighed. "We call care for him deeply but it's not enough, he needs someone who truly gets him" I don't say anything. What can I say?

Tighnari stops yelling and hugs his friend. "Please never go off alone again...." Cyno sighs and hugs him back. "I...promise" Alaitham and Kaveh walk over and have a group hug. I smile and take out my phone to take a picture.

 I smile and take out my phone to take a picture

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I giggle and put my phone away before they notice. "I think we'll leave you two alone." Kaveh said as the three boys were about to leave.

Cyno glared at them as they all winked and left. "Sorry you had to be here for that..." He said a bit flustered. I couldn't help but start laughing. I walked over and sat on his lap and placed his hands on my hips. He tensed but relaxed and hugged me. "Why did you?"

"Why did I do what?"

"Help me. We aren't dating, I really only use you for a distraction" God if he only knew how much that hurt me. But I couldn't let that show

"You're right, we aren't dating but...."


"I care about you"

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