Act 5: Questions.

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"Butterflies and dragons."

As the sounds of water echoed through, Kai was laying down in a puddle unconscious, the water created ripples where he laid. Drip by drip, his ear twitched by the noises. He jolted up in a gasp for air, his eyes glowed and shrunk, heart racing untimed. Kai looked around in anxiousness to see an endless, soundful void.

He stood up, his legs were weak and shaky and he felt cold. He looked up to see a beacon of light shining down on him, it was the only source of light in the endless watery void. He felt lonely and afraid as he turned from side to side, allowing his eyes to wander through the empty void, although he felt as if he wasn't alone, as if a guardian was present. And his subconsciousness refuses to let go of such feelings.

He felt as if he was in a dream, but something made him feel calmer than he should. Drip by drip, his ear twitched by the noises. He looked behind him, to see the crystal floating ever so gently in the void.

As Kai approached the crystal, it began to hum more and more. He got nervous, but it felt as if it called to him, as if he had no control of his legs. He kept walking as it hummed louder until . . . - wooooosh ... DING!, it gave a chime. A dust of purple would surround it. Giving a swirl as the glittery dust lit up Kai's face. Kai tried to grab the crystal, but couldn't. It backed off and began to orbit him instead.

The dust gently settled onto the water, creating a path for Kai to follow. Drip by drip, his ear twitched by the noises. He followed the path that the crystal had given him. Kai began to feel more energetic, determined to find the end of the void. The crystal shimmered and twinkled, the dust glowing brighter.

The crystal hummed louder and louder once more, until . . . - wooooosh ... DING!, it gave a second chime as the dust would sparkle, twinkle, and chime. His eyes lit up as he saw what bestowed upon him, The Relic. Blackened and dark, lifeless.

The Relic was an ancient tale told by many. Only the ones who are honored to be given the title of an enchanter warrior could bear a Relic, for it held mysteries beyond what one could imagine. Kai approached The Relic gently, laying his hand on its center rune. It felt cold and uneasy, unwelcoming to Kai.

He took his hand off as his crystal shimmered in guidance, placing itself onto the center rune too. Drip by drip, his eyes shimmered in the dark. He pushed his palm onto the center rune, and it wailed. Kai was stunned as he fell back, water splashing behind him, as it rippled with the shimmering dust.

As the relic floated off its pedestal, it shimmered in the purple aura that the crystal held. Letting out an otherworldly hum. It felt distant, cold, yet possessing. It called for Kai, begging for his closeness, speaking in unheard whispers. The shimmering dust in the water collected as it orbited The Relic, lighting up each rune of The Relic.

Kai looked up at the humming Relic as it floated in harmonic ticks. Clicks and clockworks, butterflies and dragons, the water dripped. It floated as gently as the nature of a butterfly, yet felt as mighty as a dragon. Water dripped off itself, and it rotated at the sync of the dripping water.

Kai would approach The Relic, its aura would coat Kai's hand as he reached for it, gravitating him towards itself. And as he touched it . . . - His eyes widened as a surge of energy shot through him, his hair flowed as its energy flowed like a storm. The dust shimmered and shone through the darkness as Kai let out a gasp and tried to pull away. It acted to his emotions, but he has not realized yet.

Drip by drip, unheard by the untamed. He was released, as The Relic hummed to a calm idle state. A prophecy uncalled for, a tale untold, But a secret given. Kai stood and looked at his palm, unharmed. He exhaled in relief, yet realized how the void felt, now. It felt alive, breathing, and a bearer of secrets. It sung in silence, the water dripping in harmonics. He felt alive, calm, and felt the need to embrace the void. Welcoming it to his heart.

Kai followed the song of silence, embracing the void. It sung to him, and he sung back as he skipped through the water. The void began to reveal its true colors as he followed the song. A tree! And a platform. Land was seen and felt, grass uncolored and smelt like a calm winter forest. Trees of purple leaves, Its bark is colored as obsidian. He sat on the grass, but noticed a lake in the middle, shimmering in purple. He saw butterflies made of crystal, glowing with the energy of the Relic, a life giver. Kai stood and admired his surroundings, and he noticed a dragonfly, flowers, and the trees blooming.

Drip by drip, his ear twitched to the noise. He sat on the grass, eventually laying down on it. Taking a deep breath as he let himself relax, the sounds of the void never felt so calming to him. He smiled as he then crawled and stared into the lake, looking at his reflection. He then sat under the crystal tree, breathing out a sigh of relief and calm.

Drip by drip, his eyes closed as the void sang its final song. Kai's ears slowly heard the echoes as he drifted off to sleep. His mind blacking out into dreams. The void blinks out alongside him. His body drifted through the void, as reality slowly returned, the forest, the deep forest of shadows slowly returned as he was gently settled down onto the rune on the ground. His unconscious body sleeps ever so peacefully on the forest grass. Time passed in a blink as he slept, the forest sung in nature.

As the rain fell as the sun dawned, It is a new day, and a new adventure. Kai jolted up, looking around to see Moon and Alex gone. He began to panic, but remembered he was never truly alone. He took the crystal that was on the grass, and held it close. He then ran through the forest on his way to find his friends. The silence sung to him, and he sung back.

End of Act 5.

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