Act 4: A Deep Mystery.

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"It's no surprise, Not anymore."

After a long and tiring run, Alex had stopped at the face of a deep forest, that's where the blood trail had stopped. Alex looked around, but nothing. Then she heard the wings of Moonlight from a distance, and ran into the woods. Returning to her sprints, Moon would follow, Kai coming in later.

The forest was deep, and shrouded in mystery. Alex would run far, but would only end up lost. She looked left and right, but couldn't see much. It was dark, humid, and the sounds of nocturnal animals were the only thing she could hear. The forest felt damp, and the ground was muddy. It only gave a deep hue of blue, and the smell of rain.

She began to get anxious, but she then heard a SNAPA branch is broken in half, and her head turned to where she assumed the noise was. She had not seen anything. Odded out, she kept looking, until she felt a bone chilling breeze pass her by. She quickly snapped to see what was behind her. . .Nothing, only the night and forest. Her guts demanded to run, so she did, and ran further into the forest. Her breaths got heavier with each step, the branches slapping onto her face, but it is not her worries, not anymore.

A: ". . . Dang- this forest gives me the creeps every time I come here . . ."

Alex looked around once more, and there would be a clearing in the deep endless forest. She ran towards it, to see. It was a tent made of leaves, sticks holding it up, and a campfire. An abandoned campsite. She would walk towards it some more, weary of any presence that would show itself. However, no one had been there for a while, the wood was rotting, and the leaves were decaying. She kept silent and moved forward, looking into the makeshift tent. It smelt musty, and she was disgusted. She rubbed her hands together and orange sparks began to flare out. The sound of crackles emitted before Fwoosh! A fireball floated above her palms. It's to be used as a candle, the damp nature of the forest made it hard to catch anything on fire. She'd see a bag, old and torn.

A: "Mm- eugh . . ."

Alex picked the torn bag up, moving away from the tent. She looked down to see a log, lit up by the moon though the clearing of the forest. The fireball would circle around her, orbiting. She sat on the log, letting out a sigh. Looking around once more. She saw nothing but a fog that barriered the clearing from the dark forest, and fireflies surrounding it. She heard the crickets from far away. Her eyes wandered around for a while, she then focused on the bag. Alex placed her hand in, pulling out what was inside it, and was met by a book, and a broken stone tablet.

A: ". . . . .What are you doing here–"

Alex lifted the book out, placing it on the side, taking the tablet's pieces. She examined it, but it was too dirty. So she returned the tablets into the old bag and wore it. Luckily, its handles were sturdy enough for her. She sighed once more, feeling stressed.

A: "With how deep I'm in this forest, I might as well keep heading north. . ."

Alex was cut off by the sounds of rustling, her back jolted as she stood up quickly. Her body turned, looking around. Her eyes darted around trying to find who was stalking her by now, but nothing. She backed off from where the rustling was, bumping into something. Shivers went down her spine as she sharply turned. Her hand turned into a fist, attempting to punch whoever blocked her way. It turned out to be Moonlight. Moon would block Alex's punch, angrily glaring at her.

A: ". . .M-Moon!?- What are you doing here—"

Moon cut her off with a stern talk;

M: "WHY in Riphima's light would you run off like that?! Do you understand the situation we're in? What wonders would you bring upon us if you'd get- Gosh. . !"

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