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A normal day passed by in ANHS, Japan.

Ayanokōji was on a bench behind the dormitory, enjoying the sunset with an ice cream on his hand. His figure relaxed, taking in the beautiful sceneries. His face otherwise, was unchanging before he took a bite of the ice cream, his expression softening a tiny nanometers.

All of a sudden, his view of sunlight was bit by bit replaced by an error-like buzz, like an old TV having trouble of capturing a clear image, truly an unprecedented occurrence. The scene of sunlight was gradually replaced to a white wall. That's right, a white wall.

'What just happened? Am I dreaming?' He then took his fingers and bit it to see if he was conscious, as a matter of fact he is. The pain he is experiencing is real enough to convince him.

"Don't worry, you're totally conscious right now." A voice entered his ears and suddenly reveals a mysterious man wearing a two-piece suit, a hat like that of a magician was worn on his head.

"Can you explain what kind of situation am I in? This is all plenty bizarre to me." Ayanokōji replied with confused tone, his expression unchanging.

"I can't explain to you many things. To put things sort, this is a space separated from ANHS. You're not the only one who's currently experiencing such thing." The mysterious man replied, his words were laced with hidden meaning.

"There are other students in this place? Possibly teachers?" As always, Ayanokōji instantly grasped the matter.

"Yes. Before you ask any questions, I assure you that all of your well-being and safety will not be threatened in this bizarre event." The mysterious man assured him of the situation.

"Then what's the purpose of all the students and teachers being dragged into this occurrence? Surely it's not some kind of entertainment, right?"

"Ehem. The thing is, it is exactly what we're supposed to be doing. Your guess is unsettlingly accurate."

Suppressing the urge to reply a 'coincidence can be freaky' Ayanokōji then inquired something "Are the others were currently explained about such matters?"

"No, it's just you. The reason I want to take the initiative to offer you a heads up is because there will be a showing."

Ayanokōji stayed silent to let him continue his explanation

"A showing of your actions, whether it'd be open and secretly ever since you've entered ANHS" The mysterious man continued with a smirk.

'This is the worst kind of scenario for me. It's already illogical why would someone share a viewing of some random person, more so when the person had to be me. All of the possibilities comes in mind, but there's no one who knows what I did capable of causing something like this......A supernatural event? This can explain the weirdly odd things that had happened. Then the person in front of me undoubtedly knows what kind of person I'm capable of.' Ayanokōji thoughts raced as he kept his calm demeanor and unchanging indifferent face.

"Why would you show my actions for the times I've spent in ANHS? For your own amusement?"

"That's one of the reason. And of course, there could possibly no reason at all. For your information, the viewing will also share your thoughts." The mysterious man chuckled with a smug.

'Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse....His words previously convinced me that he's someone of power to be able to do these things. I shouldn't rashly agitate him.'

"Don't I get any say in this?" Ayanokōji replied as a last resort as he inquired about whether or not there would be any leniency in consideration for him.

"Normally, no. However, I've found myself to be extremely considerate this time. I should at least offer you something, not that your obligated to refuse the viewing after all." The mysterious man replied with jest.

'How considerate. You made my father looked like a saint in comparison.'

"Then, I'll offer you something. What about complete assurance of no-hindrance after school in ANHS? For example, you father will no longer chase you, nor will your peaceful life be endangered in any kind of form. How about it? A generous offer isn't it? As someone who drowned you to an abyss of trouble in your highschool life, shouldn't I, a considerate person be willing to toss in a lifeboat?" The mysterious man offered a generous choice.

Ayanokōji gave it a serious thought before asking, "Are you willing to give your word for it? If you were truly a considerate being, you shouldn't even hesitate, no?"

"Haha, very well. I'll give you my word for it. I noticed you addressing me as a 'being'. You seemed to realize I'm not an ordinary person at all." He replied with a chuckle.

Ayanōkoji nodded with approval 'To think I'm reduced to a person clinging to another's word....However, the situation calls for it. If a suspected nigh-Omnipotent being in front of me is as capable as I guessed, then there would be a possibility he will kept true to his words.... I don't have any means to resist anyway...

"What should I address you as? I don't think calling you 'The Mysterious Man' everytime in my head would be convenient.." Ayanokōji inquired.

The figure seemed to chuckle and pondered for a moment before saying with a smile "Mysteries."

Ayanokōji tersely acknowledged then asked "Then Mysteries, where should I go to meet the other students?"

Mysteries then led Ayanokōji to a hall. On its end, there was a slightly opened door with lights coming from behind its gap.

Ayanokōji took a step closer, his view was blinded by the intense light that lingered for a moment then gradually dispersed, revealing a theater like room.

A broad space filled with chairs. A large stage underneath the humongous screen , roughly four times the size of a normal movie theater's screen. There were many doors of entries and exits. Ayanokōji seemed to entered when the others were just aware of his absence by the puzzlement of the few classmates that's close to Ayanokōji.

"I'm here, Horikita."



This is the first pic I've ever made, any suggestions or ideas, even constructive criticism will help me greatly!

I will make Ayanōkoji in this fic to be slightly OOC, yet I won't take away the essence of what makes Ayanokōji truly Ayanokōji, the well-written character that we all knew and love / love-hate.

Does anyone here read Lord of the Mysteries???

Because of the novel 'Lord of the Mysteries' that I love, my writing style is slightly influenced by it. So I'm kind of eager to all of your input of my writing style!

See ya next chapter!

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