Chapter 2

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"How strange, I expect him to understand me when I am deeply lost in my own soul of insecurities"

Rishab woke up and saw the other side of the bed empty.Sighing he stood up and went to the balcony and stood there. The sunrays falling in his naked chest.It was 7 in the morning and today his parents would leave at 10 for the airport.

He heard the sounds of bangles and anklets tingling. Meera was making the bed, her wet hairs falling on her face, disturbing his view. Rishab clenched his fists not to just go and tuck those hair strands from her face.

"Good Morning Rishab ji"Meera said standing straight, looking at his naked chest and then his eyes.

"Keep my clothes ready!"He said and went inside the bathroom.Meera pulled a pair of white t-shirt and Bottle green cargo pants. She then sat on the balcony letting her hair dry out naturally. She was busy admiring the nature when she heard his phone ringing.

She stood up and picked up the phone and saw it was Ayush. She picked up the call and before she could speak she heard Ayush yelling from the other side.

"How dare you Shekhawat!!Rathi was one of my investors of the hotel."She heard him and before she could speak Rishab snatched his phone and spoke with Ayush. He disconnected the call and turned towards Meera and glared at her.

Meera cast her eyes down not able to match the intensity of his glare. Rishab held her arms tightly and turned it behind her back. His naked front touching her naked back. Meera tried to push him but his grip turned more strong and firm.

Rishab bent down and placed pepper kisses on her neck and collarbone. She stopped her moments and looked at them in the mirror where their reflection could be seen. Her neck had a mark.He smiled in satisfaction and then turned her towards him.

"Wh---Why?"She managed to ask rubbing her wrists to ease the pain. Her eyes teary and her nose red.

"The punishment of your brother!"He said and turned around to leave when Meera held his bicep stopping him. He turned around and looked at her hand and then her. She stood in front of him, on her tip toes.

"Does it give you satisfaction by hurting me?"She asked while he looked at her. Her eyes were full of pain, hurt,anger.She was Beyond hurt. They do have physical intimacy but he would just fuck her,no foreplay. He never made love to her. But every time he did,she felt it was her first time.

"Yes"He said and turned around changing into the clothes Meera picked out. He knew if he saw into her eyes, he would lose himself.She looked at his back and was about to ask him why, but they heard a knock on the door.

Meera stood there looking at him. He was wearing his shirt.He turned to Meera and then door. She understood what he meant.Meera opened the door and saw Karan there.She moved aside and let him in.

"Good Morning Bhai. This is Sharma's file. We have a virtual meeting with him. Bhabhi Dadi is calling you downstairs."

He said and then turned towards Meera and said that.She nodded and went to the closet and tied her hair and left.Karan and Rishab discussed for a while about the meetings.

"Looks like you had a long night"He teased him and Rishab looked at him raising his eyebrows. He pointed towards his neck. He looked at his neck but didn't have any mark.He ignored his statement and then both the brothers left.

Meera was with Kriya,packing clothes of Kajal.Amrutha looked at them working. Meera completed the packing and then helped Kajal get ready.

"Meera,call some one to take the luggage"Said Kajal and Meera nodded.She was going out and saw no one was there.She saw Karan coming downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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