What the sound really was (revealed)

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Ms.Chalice: *laughs hard and wheezing* Oh you boys crack me up.

Cuphead & Mugman: *coming out from the closet*

Cuphead: Chalice, what are you talking about? *confused*

Mugman: Yeah. *confused*

Ms.Chalice: Well come on over here and see for yourselves.

Cuphead & Mugman: Um okay? *saying it in confusion*

Ms.Chalice: *turns on the lights in Elder Kettle's room by the flip of the light switch*

Cuphead & Mugman: *walking to Elder Kettle's room, looking inside seeing that it was Elder Kettle making that strange sound*

Elder Kettle: *feeling disappointed* How am I suppose to sleep with all that screaming going on out there?

Cuphead & Mugman: Elder Kettle?!

Cuphead: It was him the whole time?!

Mugman: But I thought it was a beast like what we saw in the dark. *he can't believe it*

Elder Kettle: *confused* A beast? *laughs at that* Now who in the world would tell you that I was a beast boys? *catching his breath from laughing*

Cuphead & Mugman: Chalice.

*Elder Kettle, Cuphead, and Mugman all look at Chalice being upset*

Ms.Chalice: *chuckling nervously* *sighs* Okay boys there's something that I need to tell you two.

Cuphead: Well come on then Chalice.

Mugman: Yeah we're all ears Missy.

Ms.Chalice: *sweating a bit but trying to get the courage* OK that beast thing I was telling you both about...I made it up.

Cuphead & Mugman: both gasp*

Mugman: You made it up?!

Ms.Chalice: *nodded yes*

Cuphead: But why Chalice?!

Ms.Chalice: Well it's because I didn't want you two know that Elder Kettle was the one making that loud sound because I wanted this to be the tie-breaker round for your bravery contest so I...lied.

Cuphead & Mugman: *both gasp again*

Ms.Chalice: *feeling really bad about lying* I'm sorry boys. *starting to cry a little* I'm such a bad friend to boys because I lied to you both. *sitting on her bottom crying big about lying*

Cuphead & Mugman: *running to Chalice trying to calm her down*

Cuphead: Oh Chalice. Shh. Shh. Shh. You're not a bad friend to me and Mugsy.

Ms.Chalice: *sadly talking* But I *sniffs* lied so that makes me a bad friend Cuphead.

Mugman: Shh! Oh Chalice, that's not true. Seriously Chalice, lie or no lie you still are going to be our friend.

Ms.Chalice: *sniffs and wipes away her tears with her hand* Really?

Cuphead: Yes, but next time don't lie when we are doing a contest or anything else that's fun okay?

Ms.Chalice: *taking a deep breath in and letting it out* *stop crying* Okay fellas.

Cuphead: But I will admit, that tie-breaker round that you just gave us was a real challenge for me and Mugman. Right Mugsy?

Mugman; *trying not to feel scared anymore* Um yes, but it was also a real fright.

Ms.Chalice: Well at least, you two were trying to be brave, huh?

Cuphead & Mugman: Right!

*Cuphead, Mugman, and Chalice started to giggle a bit and they laugh all together, and then they all give themselves a group hug*

Cuphead/Mugman/Ms.Chalice: Awww.

Elder Kettle: Now, what's this about a bravery contest boys?

*Cuphead and Mugman are walking up to Elder Kettle with their hands behind their backs and with worried looks on their faces*

Cuphead: Well Elder Kettle, Mugsy and I were just trying to figure who's more braver either me or him but we just don't know.

Elder Kettle: Oh. Well who won?

Cuphead: *thinking for a bit* Hmm. Um I don't know. I am not really too sure about that.

Mugman: Um you know Cuphead, we can ask Chalice. She was our judge.

Cuphead: *realizing* Oh right. *giggles* Thanks for reminding me Mugsy.

Mugman: Don't mention it Cuphead.

The Bravery Contest (a "The Cuphead Show" short that should be on Netflix)Where stories live. Discover now