Inside Elder Kettle's Room

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*Cuphead and Mugman are looking around inside of Elder Kettle's room and then taking themselves back out again*

Cuphead & Mugman: *both taking a deep breath in and letting it out and then they quietly start tiptoeing inside Elder Kettle's room*

*as they tiptoe, Mugman step on a loose floorboard making it make a loud creaking sound*

Mugman: *getting spooked* Eek, what was that?!

Cuphead: *whispers* Mugs! Shhh! Quiet! It's just the floor creaking because for some reason one of floorboards is loose.

Mugman: *whispers* Oh, I thought it was the beast that Chalice was talking about earlier. *feeling a bit afraid*

Cuphead: *trying to get his brother to not be afraid* *whispering* Mugsy don't be afraid, that can't be the beast. Besides we have to prove Chalice that we're not scared *sounding convincing* and to find out who will win the tie-breaker round *whispering happily*.

Mugman: *quietly talks* Oh right I forgot. *scoffs* Silly me. *laughs nervously*

Cuphead & Mugman: *sneaking around in Elder Kettle's room on their tippy toes, trying to find out where the loud sound was coming from*

Cuphead: *quietly trying to sound tough* Now then, where can that sound be coming from? Any ideas Mugsy?

Mugman: *feeling a bit spooked* N-N-N-No Cuphead. *taking a slow deep breath* But I am so regretting this.

Cuphead: *whispering* Regretting what Mugsy?

Mugman: *whispering* About doing this round Cuphead.

Cuphead: *whispering* Oh well I hate to admit this Mugman but I am starting to regret this too.

Mugman: *whispering* You are?

Cuphead: *whispering* Yes, but come on how hard can this round be? Besides we both have to know who will win the round. So come on Mugsy, what do you say?

Mugman: *sighs quietly and now whispering* Okay fine

*both of the boys shaking their hands when all sudden they both heard the loud sound and it sounded like it was close by*

*loud snoring (real loud)*

Cuphead & Mugman: *getting scared and slowly turning heads straight towards Elder Kettle's bed*

Mugman: *quietly wheezing in fear* T-T-T-The sound is c-c-c-coming from Elder Kettle's b-b-b-bed.

Cuphead: *spooked and quietly talking* Y-Y-Y-Yeah I-I-I can s-s-s-see that M-M-M-Mugsy. Um you take a look Mugsy.

Mugman: *upset whispering* No you Cuphead!

Cuphead: *sighs quietly* Okay Mugman, you and I will look together, OK?

Mugman: *taking a slow deep breath* Okay Cuphead. *trying to be brave*

*Both Cuphead and Mugman were about to remove the blanket from Elder Kettle's bed when it move a bit*

Cuphead & Mugman: *both yelp and got scared*

*the boys hugging each other closing their eyes, shaking in fear and chattering their teeth*

*loud snoring*

* the blanket rising up looking like a beast in front of Cuphead and Mugman*

Cuphead & Mugman: *slowly opening their eyes and getting shock looks on their faces* *both screaming* AHHH!!! IT'S THE BEAST!!! *they both quickly ran out of Elder Kettle's room to the closet in the living room to hide away*

Ms.Chalice: *tiptoes up to the closet holding a glass in her hand and then she puts the glass up to the closet door putting her ear next to the end of the glass, listening to what the boys were saying about what they saw*

Mugman: *terrified* That was the scariest thing that I have ever laid my eyes on! I mean, did you see the way that beast just rose up on top of the bed (doing a scary impression of the beast) Cuphead?

Cuphead: *terrified* Yes, it was bigger than the two of us! My heart was beating fast like a drum the minute we saw that beast!

The Bravery Contest (a "The Cuphead Show" short that should be on Netflix)Where stories live. Discover now