The Tie-Breaker Round

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*They hear a loud sound from the distance but the boys didn't know what the sound was and Chalice didn't know either*

*Cuphead and Mugman were starting to get a little nervous but Ms.Chalice wasn't afraid*

Mugman: Uh C-C-C-Cuphead, w-w-w-what was the s-s-s-sound? *getting a bit scared*

Cuphead: I-I-I don't know Mugsy *feeling a little nervous*

(loud snoring)

Mugman: Ahhh *gets scared and jumps into Cuphead's arms*

Cuphead: Um Chalice this might be a little silly for me to ask but can you check to see what made that noise please?

Ms.Chalice: Sure thing Cuphead. *being brave*

*she went to see what made the noise, the noise was coming from Elder Kettle's room, she look inside and she knew what made the sound but she didn't want the boys to know what really made the noise because that gave her an idea for what the tie-breaker round should be*

Ms.Chalice: Ooh this gives me a idea for what the tie-breaker round should be. *she said in a sneaky way*

*she went back to Cuphead & Mugman* *While Mugman was still in Cuphead's arms*

Cuphead: So Chalice did you find out what was making that noise?

Mugman: Yeah! Did you Chalice? I hope it's not any scary. *he said feeling a little worried*

*Ms.Chalice had to think of a lie and she thought it up quick*

Ms.Chalice: Well, I know where the sound is coming from (being honest about that) but I couldn't see what was making the sound boys (she lied about that).

Cuphead & Mugman: Oh! *feeling worried*

Cuphead: Well at least, she knows where the sound is coming from Mugsy. *feeling a little relief*

Mugman: But Cuphead, she doesn't know what's making the sound. *getting worried a bit*

Cuphead: Oh right, um Chalice like what do you think it is that's making the noise?

Ms.Chalice: Well it could be a (as her back was turned) ... beast! (as she turned her head around quick) *she said lying*

Cuphead & Mugman: *Gasp* A b-b-b-beast?! *getting scared* *shaking and their teeth chattering*

Ms.Chalice: Oh yes, it could be that fellas but there's only one way to find out.

Mugman: H-H-H-How? M-M-M-Ms.Chalice?

Cuphead: Y-Y-Y-Yeah How?

Ms.Chalice: Well this could be your tie-breaker round. Who ever figures out what's really making the sound will be known as the bravest one in Inkwell Isles. So you two will do this round together! *she said smiley*

Cuphead: US?!

Mugman: TOGETHER?!

Ms.Chalice: Yes, now come on fellas the sound is coming from Elder Kettle's room. *she said as she started walking to Elder Kettle's room*

Cuphead & Mugman: *both look at each other scared* *both gulp*

The Bravery Contest (a "The Cuphead Show" short that should be on Netflix)Where stories live. Discover now