First day back in faraway.

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This takes place 4 years in the future. I know, I got rid of major key because I hate writing angst because I can't comfort for the life of me let alone writing it 😭 past readers of the original can tell.. "uhh.. Mari kinda died" WHAT WAS I ON. Anyways! This is big suntan moment big I think


A moment.

Of terror.

You're being chased in a barn..  when..


Good morning, sunny.

Sunny wakes up in his usual cramped room. The books falling off the shelves, the dirty clothes from god knows when, and the dirty dishes he didn't even know were there. And the dents in the floor from.. and old bed. But sunny dosent know why.


The noise startles sunny. It's loud, and he isn't used to sound.. and ouch.. that noise is LOUD.


It happens again.. sunny soon realizes it's coming from downstairs. But.. mommy isn't coming home for a few days? Who could it be?

He slowly gets up and ruffles his hair, making it look a bit better than his bed head. He slips his old, fancy shoes on, with.. Velcro? Eh, whatever. Nobodys gonna see it. He puts his hand on the doorknob, and slowly turns it.


Sunny jumps. The noise is really starting to get annoying. But he starts walking downstairs so the noise will stop.




Sunny jumps again. A sharp pain stabs through his hand. He pulls his hand to his face to see a shard of wood in his palm.. ouch. Splinter. Guess it's part of the life style of an old, unfinished house from the 60's. Mommy should really get that fixed. He picks it out with his teeth, a drop of blood coming with it.. must have been a big shard.


He reaches the end of the stairs.


Oh, Jesus, okay he's coming!!

Sunny sprints to the door..

But Kel speaks before sunny opens the door.


"Uhm.. hey! I uh.. saw the "for sale" sign in front of your house.. and wanted to ask if you uhm.. wanted to hang out one more time before ya go.. for old times sake, yaknow?"

Kel takes a deep breath before mumbling.

"This is stupid, I'm being stupid.."

Sunny slowly turns the knob.

Standing in front of him...

A tall boy. He's dark skinned, with small freckles on his shoulders. He has a bigger nose, and very, very fluffy hair, which is a dark brown colour. It's tied back in a very messy bun, that looks slept on.. but to get the bangs out of his face, a orange headband under his bangs. Although most of his hair is still very much out. He has dark hazel eyes.. sunny can't stop looking at those. He wears a tattered orange tank top and stained red shorts. His legs are particularly spiky. And his arms are hairy aswell. As well as a tiny moustache. He looks very different.. but also.. familiar.

And not like sunny.. at all.

Sunny as a small figure. He has distinguished Asian features. Along with  messy, black hair. eye-bags.. yeah, you can definitely see those.. his hands are smaller, and he wears the same clothes as he did when he was 12. His arms and legs are smooth, even tho he has not shaved for 4 years..

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