First day in faraway.

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Sunny Suzuki was a young boy at the age of 7. He had moved to faraway town, California from Vancouver, Canada after a his father being fired from his already under-paying job. He loved it there. It was always so rainy. He loved the cold breeze right after a thunderstorm. Just something about it. Although, sunny never had any friends there. They all made fun of him because of his pale, grey eyes and his white- as- paper skin; they called him a vampire. He didn't care though. He loved vampires.

6-10-79. The grey minivan pulled up to the big White House with a brown roof. It was bigger then his condo in bc. Beside the new building, was another large apartment, although this had more of a orange tone. The driveway had two kids throwing a basketball at eachother. One looked about 11, and one looked around 8 years old. The same age as sunny.

Sunny hopped out of the car, his sister, Marilyn, followed close behind.
"Aren't you exited, sunny? A fresh start!" Marilyn asked, enthusiastically. A kind smile was painted across her face. Sunny didn't look as enthusiastic. He knew he wasn't gonna make any friends; again.

They walk in. The walls were painted a beige colour. Below, a white rug with dirt stains. It doesn't even look washed. It's fine, though. They had a new Beige rug in the truck.

Sunny made his way up to his new room. It was the same beige theme. There was already some stuff moved in; like his book case, and Marilyn's bedside table. Sunny didn't find it that homie. But it's not like he could just, leave right?

The movers carried his bed in. They placed it right under the right window, and beside the bookshelf. Once the movers get his bed down, sunny grabs the 17th of the captain spaceboy comics. He sits down on his bed, opens the book, and starts reading.



Huh? A clink sound came from the window above. Like a tiny pebble hit it. Sunny looked over;  but didn't give it too much thought. He went back to reading.


Okay, what is that? Either it was hailing, which sunny didn't think happened here, or someone is throwing pebbles at his window! Sunny gave a annoyed face at the floor, and went back to his comic

Okay, that is it! Sunny put down his book, crawled on his bed and held onto the window cill. It was that orange boy! The orange boy that looked his age! He's the one throwing the pebbles! He's obviously a annoying orange boy! (Hah annoying orange) he was looking in the grass outside looking for more pebbles. Sunny opened the window.

"Hello?" Sunny asked, looking down at the orange boy. He looked started, then looked up.

"Ohh! Hey!! Sorry about the Rocks. I needed to get your attention. Wanna play?? I'm Kelsey!" Kelsey. That's what the boys name was. He was really annoying. Sunny thought about it for a moment.
"Maybe tomorrow.. i need to unpack." Sunny replied. Looking down at Kelsey again. Kelsey looked a little disappointed, but said
"Oh, okay! That's alright. See you tomorrow!" And ran away. Sunny got down from the window, and sat on his bed. Thinking about the boy. Was he gonna have a friend? Probably not. He's never gonna come around. Well, who knows.

I guess we just need to wait for something to happen.

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