Swimming day PT1

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Sunny is cuddling peacefully with his space-boy plushie. He lays underneath his blankets, also space-boy print.. when he wakes up. He looks at the clock. 11:00. Wow, he slept in.

Sunny slowly gets up. Drool is coming out of his mouth. He's very groggy. He stayed up late playing his game boy.

"Morning sunny!" Mari says, opening the door with a plate of bacon.  No eggs. Sunny hates eggs.

"Thanks Marilyn." Sunny replies, taking the plate and resting it on his lap.

"Soo, we have a game plan for today. Me, you, kel, and kels big brother, Henry are going for lunch! So.. you should get dressed! And after that, we're thinking.. pool day?" Marilyn makes a silly movement, gesturing "sound good?"

Sunny nods. He shoves the bacon in his mouth.

After getting dressed and ready, sunny starts to go down the stairs. There still a bit crooked, but Sunny's sure his mom will get it sorted out. He leaves the room, seeing Kel. And a older kid, maybe older by 3 years. Like Marilyn., he's a bit lighter then kel, but not like sunny or Marilyn.

"Hey sunny!!!!" Kel says, already hyped up. How does he do it? Sunny is still groggy.

"..hi." Sunny replies.

"Ah.. kel, quiet down.. your being rude!" Says the taller boy.

"Sunny, this is Henry! Henry, this is sunny!" Marilyn cheerfully says. Making them shake hands. Henry replies with a "hello there!" And goes back to leaning near the door. Then, kel runs up to sunny and brings him into a tight hug. Sunny looks squished and awkward. Silly Kel.

"Soo.. sunny, go get your bathing suit. And a towel. We will meet you outside!" Marilyn says, opening the door to Kel and Henry. Sunny nods and goes back up to his room. He grabs casual black swim shorts. And a normal brown towel. He's.. casual. He walks back down and out the door.

Marilyn and hero sit on the front steps. He is holding kels bag, since Kel is throwing his pool ball in the air and catching it. When sunny makes a noise symbolizing he's there, the gang walks off to GINOS PIZZA.

They sit at the table. Kel next to Henry, who is sitting across from Marilyn. Same with kel, but the younger side.

They get there pizza, we'll, Henry didn't. He ordered a sandwich, called a hero sand-which. He could live off that. Marilyn giggles, and says
"Oh, you really like that sandwich huh? I should call you hero.. heheh!" She says, joking, but Kel perks up from his food, which he was eating like a monster.

"Wait. I ashkually like that!!" Kel replies, food still stuffed in his mouth. He swallows and continues.

"That's your new nickname, hero!!" He says, seeming proud. But then going back and chugging a weird drink. Hero looks defeated.I guess that's his new name..

"Kel.. what are you drinking?" Sunny asks, confused. He's never seen anything like that before. Kel perks up again, seeming happy to introduce someone to his favourite drink.

"Oh this? Hah! Only the best drink of all time, orange joe! I could live off it. It's orange joe.. mixed with coffee! I know, genius," sunny looks absolutely disgusted. The only drink other then water he really drinks is Mountain Dew. And if there's no Mountain Dew, and no water, he'll just get a Pepsi. He's never seen such an abomination of a drink.

Kel gives sunny the can.

"Want a sip? Trust me, it's Soooo good!!" He says. Sunny hesitates. But, moving is all about trying new things, so he grabs the can and takes a small sip.

Although he immediately spits it out in his used cup.

"Bleh! Gross.." he says, his tongue sticking out. Rightfully so. Orange joe seems horrid. (Although I don't like coffee so. I wouldn't know.)

Kel looks shocked. Like, absolutely flabbergasted.

"How??? How can you NOT like orange joe?! It's like, the best thing ever."

Sunny just chugs his Mountain Dew to get the taste out. Followed by eating one last slice of pizza. Kel still looks shocked.
After they finish eating, Marilyn gives the waiter her moms money. Her mom offered to pay. They sit for a bit, then decide to walk out. They see a grey van waiting for them, and no, it's not a kidnapper. Just Mrs Suzuki. The kids hop into the vehicle and get driven off to the public pool


I finaly made a new chapter guys

Motivation is coming back!! ;3

760 words

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